The Swingset Factory
All of the swings were swinging. Back and forth they went, without ceasing. Moving faster and higher with each trip under the bar. All of the swings were swinging, and empty.
It wasn’t dark yet, the last of the day’s sun still lingered on the horizon, as Samuel walked home. He wasn’t in a hurry, in fact, he was stalling. He needed a little time to settle his nerves. What had happened, had frightened him.
Samuel worked at the swingset factory. At least he had worked there, until about an hour ago. Now he wasn’t so sure he would be back.
The Factory
He continues walking slowly, willing the images to leave his mind. What he really didn’t want was to dream about it tonight. An involuntary shudder wiggles through him. He just wants to get home, have a quiet dinner, and try to forget.
He knows he’ll never forget. It’s a once seen, can’t unsee dilemma. He wants to forget, likewise it would be easier to think it hadn’t happened, if he could forget.
Samuel lives three blocks away from the swingset factory, and had been relieved to be hired, because it was within walking distance from his home. He didn’t own a car and public transportation was limited, here in the rural boondocks.
Samuel had been on the job for several months, and was fitting in well with his co-workers. He feels himself burning an angry red from embarrassment, while remembering the amusement of his co-workers. Such humor.
The swingset factory wasn’t a huge factory, however, it remained profitable, year after year. It had been a part of this town for decades and was a familiar and positive asset to the town. Samuel had been grateful to get a job there.
The Swingsets
Samuel arrives at his house on the edges of the town, unlocks his front door, and steps inside. He shudders again, with the memory, and closes the door behind him.
He had been in the storage yard where the completed sets were stored before shipping. And all the swings were swinging and empty. He thought it was a trick of the light. He had blinked and looked again.
There had been no movement, after he blinked. The swing sets were still and empty, and the entire lot was quiet. After placing the newly completed swing set in the lot, Samuel had turned to reenter the factory, and all the swings were swinging again.

Every single one. This had spooked him because the lot was full of swingsets. The swings had been gaining in momentum, and the sounds of all the chains permeated the air. That was when he ran.
When he had reached the factory door, he had turned to see if anything had followed him. All the swings were still, and appeared to have never been in motion at all. He felt chills and shivers race up his spine, as he reentered the factory.
He told his supervisor of the event, and had been confused at the supervisor’s amusement. And belief.
Several coworkers, had been amused, when they heard his story. It was a part of the job, they had said. Since opening day, the swings had always been alive at the swingset factory.