The Zippo lighter and the last cigarette.
Six thirty in the morning, the coffee is fresh and hot from the pot. The zippo is on the table beside the cigarette. Taking a careful sip of the coffee, the cigarette comes next. When lit, a long pull of air inwards, then a long exhale. That’s it, now another coffee hit, then, back to the cigarette.
Now we’re smoking with gas. Or is that cooking with gas? Better not be any gas, with that zippo striking flames on cigarettes.
Coffee and a cig. The day starters for many and myself, once upon a time. If that seems like a terrible way to start the day, kudos! Don’t ever pick up a cigarette! The coffee is better by itself anyway!
No this isn’t a lecture about Zippos. Or coffee. And it’s not about lectures either. But all of those are still better than, a cigarette.
It might read like this article is slanted against cigarettes. No need to skirt around the ashtray, it is. Cigarette smoking is a difficult habit to lose, and it is an addiction that is engineered.
It is a product made successful by the engineered creation of demand. I was once a loyal customer, and boy did I demand my cigs. Especially with that morning coffee. Day after day, without fail.
The culprit
Still, it’s easy to blame the cigarette, and forget the real culprit. The one that actually creates the demand. It’s the nicotine flavoring that is there for the enjoyment!
The enjoyment of what? This is where the nicotine culprit works best. All that demand disguises all that damage.
The first things to go, are the taste buds. The addiction is more successful, if a good habit can be established.
Without the taste buds it’s possible to enjoy the smoke, without all that unpleasant taste of smoke. Or smell. The smoker can’t smell the odor because of the smoke.
Non smokers unfortunate enough to be around the smoke, aren’t so lucky. I can say, being a former smoker, that I had no idea I was stinkin up the joint that way. The sinister techniques of that stinky stick, worked like a charm!
There are more than a few ways to stop the habit and the addiction. They are not easy and do require the decision to quit. The actual decision to quit.
Breaking the addiction is an excellent place to start breaking the habit. It is a scenario that improves with time so don’t give up.Keep trying to drop the zippo lighter and the last cigarette.