How to effortlessly time travel and why it works
How to effortlessly time travel and why it works Time always seems to fly, when there’s lots of fun happening. Then it slows to a crawl when a much anticipated event on the calendar, gets close. Or maybe it’s a looming deadline. A not so anticipated event. However, it arrives twice as fast as it…
The Castling of the King – The Pawn Ticket part 2
The Castling of the King – The Pawn Ticket part 2 Tucker feels his pulse quicken, and his hands begin to tremble. He checks the pocket with the pawn ticket inside. It’s still there. Oddly, he is relieved. Patsy is watching him closely, as the wheels turn frantically in his mind. There is no way…
The Pawn Ticket – part one
The Pawn Ticket – part one Tucker just finished picking up his dry cleaning. It is shortly after sunset and the sky is darkening rapidly. He is in a hurry tonight. So he drove, instead of walking. As he rounds the corner, one block away from his car, he collides with a running man. The…
How to use overload to super charge an exercise routine
How to use overload to super charge an exercise routine An exercise routine is a very important part of the day. However, it’s tough to squeeze into the schedule sometimes. Between work, errands, and everything else the average person tries to manage in a single day, there’s hardly time for lunch. Not to mention an…
Enemy of my impostor – The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart
Enemy of my impostor – The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart (Previous chapter click here) Emma is on her way home. In fact, she is just down the street when she sees the man pull the gun on Eric. She was sitting at a stop sign anyway. When she saw their guest approaching their front door,…
The Point of No Return – New Leap Forward
The Point of No Return – New Leap Forward Thirty more feet and then the jump. No time to lose, have to get it right the first time. Likewise no chance for do overs. *The Jump* Done, and done well. Keep moving, push harder, and don’t let up. Seventy feet until the turn. Once there,…