A Happy New Year look, and the days ahead
A Happy New Year look, and the days ahead Happy New Year! That was not a shout, in case anyone with sensitive ears is reading this article, this morning. In fact, some light reading might be helpful. But not too much light. It might even help to dim the screen just a bump. If none…
Ace in the Hole at the Easy Eight Casino
Ace in the hole at the Easy Eight Casino That is interesting. In fact… it is downright curious. Stan slowly walks around the oddity. It’s peculiar and weird. Yet, considering the events of the last few days, not unexpected. He is in the bar of the small restaurant, at the Easy Eight Casino. In the…
Apples and oranges, do they actually compare?
Apples and oranges, do they actually compare? In this crazy busy world there are always options. Well, almost always. However, when there are options it’s a good thing. Or at least, it is usually a good thing. Take apples and oranges, for example. That is an option from the start. Apples are not the same…
Three wishes and save the best for last
Three wishes and save the best for last It didn’t take long for him to decide. In fact, after he got over the nerves, the decision was easy. Even though nothing has happened as he expected, he was still willing to try. Therefore, it only made sense to do things this way. Dentz opens his…
A Christmas holiday and the challenge of the elf
A Christmas holiday and the challenge of the elf Around the Christmas tree is the place to be. Especially on this special day. It is almost time for Santa to begin his journey to chimneys around the world. Indeed, he will be filling Christmas stockings, and dodging rooftop satellite dishes, all the night through. With…
The new pup recovery – Butterbeans in the early years
The new pup recovery – Butterbeans in the early years In most situations, this training would have been skipped. In this situation he is glad they did not. He checks the tracking device. Butterbeans is just ahead. By Alex’s estimate, she is almost 100 meters in front of him. Therefore he isn’t worried about losing…