The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Promise
The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Promise The Thomas family was an average family. At least by the standards of late 1949. Ben was fifteen the day he met Jupiter Davis, for the first time. By the time he met Jupiter Davis the second time, it was 1959. By then, Ben was an established professional.…
The old wagon trail with Butterbeans
The old wagon trail with Butterbeans The first thing Alex notices is the freshness of the air. They are in an underground area. In fact, he already went the length of the climbing rope a little ways back. Now he is walking along a darkened tunnel. However, the air is fresh. It isn’t stale, or…
Pen and promise, the drawing game
Pen and promise, the drawing game Harrison is an artist. Not an oil painting master, with a breathtaking masterpiece in a gallery. Nor is he a new age genius with profound works of art. In fact, he is a street artist. Harrison works on his paintings, while on the street. The street is his studio.…
The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Arrangement
The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Arrangement Aileen parked her sedan close to the entrance. She hadn’t anticipated being here at all, not to mention very long. Indeed, this is ordinarily something a family member would experience. She starts the car and lets the motor idle. As she waits, she tries to get her head…
The encountered odds with Butterbeans
The encountered odds with Butterbeans Emily Kate was regaining her colt’s trust. The excited and playful colt would run each time Emily approached. After a while Emily was able to get within a few feet. Then, it was a matter of some fancy apple slices, and the jig was up. She moves them back toward…
Mortar mix and play dough connections
Mortar mix and play dough connections With each passing day, Spring becomes even more entrenched. Except for the parts of the country experiencing the winter storms. Talk about late in the season and, dang! However, there is still good news. Spring is here. The season is unfolding, and it’s the perfect time to begin those…