A basic hamburger patty carnivore dinner.
A basic hamburger patty carnivore dinner. The carnivore diet is a great choice. There are many options and all of them are satisfying and tasty. When the carnivore gets set on a particular craving it can last for more than a few meals. This is very true with bacon. There is no carnivore craving quite…
A Strange Taste in Food
A Strange Taste in Food Food. What a wonderful topic. So many ways a good discussion on food, can go! Hot, cold, crunchy or chewy, it just brims over with possibilities. There are also side topics that tie in well with food, such as food cravings. Now things are starting to heat up, and it…
The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart part two
The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart part two Eric offers Emma another tissue. She is slightly more composed now. Furthermore they are sitting in the front room of his home. After finding Emma so upset at the front door, Eric had hastily invited her in. Then he retrieved a box of tissues. From there he waited…
Butterbeans and the time well saved
Butterbeans and the time well saved Butterbeans is ready when the base commander arrives. She likes the commander, and knows why he is here. After a few moments of greeting they are ready to leave. Butterbeans is eager to get going. They have a long journey ahead, however it is one Butterbeans has been anticipating.…
The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart
The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart The rain is falling harder. Eileen finishes up for the day. It is later than she planned. This means she is on the verge of being late to her next appointment. It isn’t that punctuality is better, it’s just the faster way to finish it sooner. And today, she needed…
At the heart of the little things
At the heart of the little things Dave slams the door shut and stomps across the room. His mood has not improved, and Conner is sure it won’t anytime soon. He watches his friend sit down and open his laptop. Conner knows what is going to happen and he wishes Dave did too. But Dave…
The winter weather imagination games
The winter weather imagination games It looks like winter is about to get real. I just read the report for our area. Schools are already closing and children everywhere are cheering the added time off! I know at least one particular seven year old that is very excited about the snow day imagination vacation. The…