The shortest distance between two ways
The shortest distance between two ways It only takes Jasper a moment to make up his mind. The question is when will be the right time? They are walking toward his truck. The man with the gun is walking behind Jasper. However, not closely. Jasper is determined to stall the fixated gunman until the cops…
Race to the escape – Butterbeans the brave
Race to the escape – Butterbeans the brave Alex breathes a sigh of relief to hear the team is okay. Even with the distance of the fall, he knew there was trouble on the upper levels. He feels slightly overwhelmed that this standard mission has become search and rescue. Butterbeans looks at Alex closely, then…
The shortest distance between two
The shortest distance between two Jasper exits the diner with the gunman following close behind. The mid afternoon sun is hot as they exit the diner. The smell of tar from the freshly paved parking lot is strong. Jasper angles away from his truck. Not only is he leading the way to the opposite side…
But do they really love them?
But do they really love them? It was a question that came up from out of nowhere. It’s a complicated question depending on lots of things. However, it was a rather deep question for a six year old. Furthermore, the subject was a video game. Or to be exact, the characters in the game. Admittedly…
The shortest distance between
The shortest distance between It wasn’t the long way around that was so bad. A good drive was never a bad thing. It was the loss of time. Any other day would have been different but today wasn’t any other day. Jasper floors the semi, and it shoots forward with impressive force. Obviously it has…
Hopscotch When Was the Last Time?
Hopscotch When Was the Last Time? Hopscotch, one of the best free games ever invented. Sidewalks, driveways or parking lots are the playing fields, and game setup takes mere minutes and only requires a rock. This is old school hopscotch. Only a rock is needed to draw the grid and play the game. It must…
The challenging exercise of imagination at play
The challenging exercise of imagination at play It was late afternoon and the day was very warm. We had been very busy with activities all afternoon. There had been a lot of scooter racing and bike riding. Additionally there were imagination games being played as we exercised. This isn’t a tutorial or medical set-up for…