A hot scrambled mess, of eggs

A hot scrambled mess, of eggs

They’re good when they’re fried. A lot of things are good fried. Also they are good boiled and deviled. They are an important and essential ingredient of almost all things baked. However, first thing in the morning, they’re best as a hot scrambled mess!

To be fair, this opinion forms now, as a serving of eggs delicately folds into a hot pan. Furthermore, there is almost the perfect balance between the heat and the eggs. There must not be too much heat. Eggs do not need to be scorched to be enjoyed.

hot scrambled

Especially at these prices, and rarity. With this in mind, the preparation of a hot scrambled mess of eggs, is a delicate operation. It’s a tradition that dates back centuries. Or at least a few years. The prep is important and only takes a few minutes.

A hot scrambled mess, of eggs

There are many ways to scramble eggs. Furthermore, each way is unique. From European style to American style. Hard or soft scrambled. (We are working on a delicate soft scramble here) I have an audience of one. A 6 year old that definitely has an interest in these eggs.

They are almost perfectly gathering in the pan now. (The prepared eggs) The folding was successful and we’re on the homestretch. We are fans of the simple way. Just a little bit of whole milk in the bowl with the eggs. Then we mixed them together.


While we did that, the pan was heating up nicely. We were letting the low medium heat get the whole pan hot! The plan is to drop a teaspoon of butter in the hot pan just before we add the eggs. Real butter, not margarine or oil. That’s why the heat is so important. We wanted the not too hot and not too cold combination. I think we got it!

The textures are coming together nicely. Indeed, the eggs have become scrambled! There are cheers! Now to transfer from pan to plate! This is the moment of truth. If consumed before the bacon, it’s a win!

Have a favorite style of scrambled eggs? Comment below and share your recipe! Thanks for reading today!

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