A Strange Taste in Food

Cute & ugly frog

A Strange Taste in Food

Food. What a wonderful topic. So many ways a good discussion on food, can go! Hot, cold, crunchy or chewy, it just brims over with possibilities. There are also side topics that tie in well with food, such as food cravings.

Now things are starting to heat up, and it smells like dinner. Cravings are real. They are also demanding. And pretty specific. Not just any food can tackle a craving.

Cravings can happen at any time and are urgent most of the time. Furthermore, a craving can coincide with a great smell, such as from a place that serves, barbecue. Then there are the times when thinking about a particular food, triggers the craving. Barbecue sounds good for dinner.

A Strange Taste

Since I started craving barbecue, I thought it might be interesting, to find out more about cravings. And wow, there was a lot of stuff. For example, a craving, can apparently signal something is out of balance. Hmm, I must be lacking in barbecue.

A craving can possibly mean there is dehydration, stress or a lack of sleep. This is starting to sound less like barbecue and more like health and wellness! However, I’m craving that all day smoked goodness from the barbecue pit. Indeed, it was time to look for why it was that particular food.

I came across a series of charts that were helpful. They describe cravings with the possible imbalance, and what foods will hit the mark. Additionally, one of those charts is included below, with some excellent information on cravings.

A Strange Taste in Food

In Food

Armed with all this detailed information, I had a much better understanding of the pros and cons of barbecue. The only question I had left, was if the craving would fade, after the barbecue remedy.

There is an abundance of information, that can be found with a Google search on that topic. I opted for a strange taste in food challenge, slab of ribs and a plate of barbecue chicken. Now that’s the ticket! Also the craving. Thanks for reading today!

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