A video decision about too young

A video decision about too young

A video decision about too young

How old is too young, really? It’s a valid question. It isn’t even a hard one, for an involved parent. Furthermore, there is an instinct that an involved parent uses for reference. It is available in the deep down section of the parent’s love for their child. It is the essence of protecting the child and their innocence.

With this in mind, it is sometimes a difficult position to be in as a parent. What is allowed, and what isn’t. Especially when there are very observant little ones watching. In fact, if it becomes necessary to remove a particular privilege, the little ones usually do one of two things. First is the temper tantrum. Crying and screaming, or showing real anger over the removal of the privilege. Or, the little one somehow has reasoning skills similar to a lawyer, and puts forth real arguments.

For example, “Why do you get to watch the video, but I don’t. It just isn’t fair.”

Or “All my friends get to watch it, their dads let them watch whatever they want.” There are several different variations, but they all boil down to an upset little one who doesn’t understand. Consequently, it is not easy being the responsible parent. However, it is important for the sake of the little one.

A video decision about too young

With recent experience in this, it is not always easy to be the bad guy parent. Or grandparent. However, in my experience, there are things that are not for the little ones. Of course the little one will believe the opposite. However, it’s about the parents and the protection of the little one. (Extended articles on this topic are available in the subscriber articles) I’m sure every adult remembers a situation where getting one’s own way, would have led to catastrophe.

A video decision about too young
Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on Pexels.com

Furthermore, the bad things were not readily apparent. With the assistance of 20/20 hindsight, it becomes easier to see the catastrophic consequences. This is the valuable experience a little one needs from the parent. An order of protection before the fact. Involvement. Involvement in all the details. For example, videos. Not every video is suitable for children. Involved parents, right there on the front line with the little one, can spot this immediately. And shut that shit down.

No need to limit the exposure, just end the media. There is always lots happening outside where the imagination is free to roam. When we were kids that is where we got into just about every trouble. Outside in the fresh air with an open sky. However, the troubles then, are nothing compared to the ones children are facing these days. This is why the parent means everything to the little one. Especially on a video decision about too young.


This article is about certain videos that are just too mature for a young mind. Often disguised or hidden among others they show up on the app and the little one doesn’t know the content isn’t age appropriate. Therefore, it’s a good thing that parents and grandparents are tech savvy enough to set up restrictions or secure zones. In this way the surprise videos can’t just sneak their way in.

It’s even harder for the sneaky stuff to be around when the involved parent is there. Bad things don’t like good parents. In fact, an entire neighborhood of good parents goes a long way. A long way towards a community of good parents. Which is definitely a good thing. Thanks for reading.

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