Better tenderloin tails and how they look.

Better tenderloin tails and how they look.

Beef. It’s what’s for dinner. Tenderloin tails to be exact. A particular cut of beef that has a few different methods of preparation. Known for its marbling and tenderness, when cooked in certain ways, the tenderloin tail is quite the story!

We decided to prepare some for dinner. More accurately, I decided to prepare some for dinner. The little one was horrified. However, he was being very stoic, and tried not to show it. It was beef after all. That is always a good dinner!

Better Tenderloin Tails

I noticed the look, and had a hunch what was going on, but it is important for him to find the questions his way. The first one came, and was the one that would cover the most ground, the quickest. With a solemn face and voice it was asked.

“What do they look like?”

This is very important information. Naturally it is tough to eat something that is not visually appealing. That’s one of the top attributes of hamburgers. They are round. However, I had come to an unexpected pickle.

How to describe a tail, that wasn’t a real tail. Furthermore, this was going to be dinner. (There is a pizza backup just in case) This seemed like a good time to ask a question myself. So I asked if he would like to help prepare the tenderloin. Moreover it would give him the chance to see for himself, the tail’s appearance.

We had found a compromise that would work. So, we brushed the tails in extra virgin olive oil. Then seasoned with Spice Island’s mixture of Roasted garlic sea salt & parsley. Next we placed the marinaded meat in the refrigerator for about an hour before cooking.

How They Look

Opting for a longer cook time we set the oven low and waited. Thanks to a little input from Google, I had the cooking process for the tails underway. The lower heat and longer cooking time would yield very tender results.

It really did. In fact the long wait increased our appetites to the point that dinner was chowed down almost immediately! The low temperature and long cooking time, really made an impressive difference!

As we were enjoying our fantastic meal, we talked about the tails, one last time. They are delicious and we actually got a chuckle because they don’t look like tails at all, they look like meat! I heard it from an expert I trust! Thanks for reading today!

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