Box office mojo and the new film

Box office mojo

Box office mojo and the new film

Stellen likes his job. He works at the theater. In fact, he would work eighty hours a week, if they would let him. Furthermore, he would be happy to work seven days a week. He volunteers for overtime whenever it is available. It doesn’t matter to him if it’s just work at the popcorn stand, he loves his job.

Recently he was promoted to projectionist. It is by far the best part of his job. Now he is the one who starts the movies and changes the machines. It is much more sophisticated than that, however it is second nature for Stellen. The movies are Stellen’s first love. Filming and directing are a close second. Working in a theater is simply a stepping stone to his dreams.

With this in mind, he is almost unable to rein in his excitement. Today is special in more ways than one. Not only is he running the projectors all day, but also his all time favorite actor just released a new movie. Even better, Stellen is showing that very movie today. Indeed. He thinks he can actually feel the box office mojo today. Something is in the air, and it isn’t just the fall chill.

Box Office Mojo and the New Film

Stellen works on the projectors all morning. Finally, they are ready. It is time for the early afternoon showing. Stellen is ready, and he even brought his own refreshments. Additionally, he has a front row seat, right next to the projector. As he looks through the viewing window, he sees the theater is completely full.

Box office mojo

Time to start the film. He cannot believe his own good fortune. Ever since he was a child he loved the movies. Couldn’t get enough of them. And he had been waiting for this film for a long time. As the opening credits begin to play, Stellen settles in, and loses all track of time.

New Film Opportunity

Sometime later he opens his eyes. He bolts upright and looks around. He has slept for a long while. The film has stopped. He rubs his eyes and looks through the viewing window. The theater is empty.

Stellen leaves the projector room and enters the theater. He must prepare for the next group of people. He still feels drowsy and can’t believe he fell asleep. Furthermore, it was at the beginning of the film. He hadn’t seen so much as the first scene. The walk down the center aisle is disconcerting. He feels that something’s not right but can’t quite put his finger on why.

New Seat

As he slowly makes his way to the front of the theater, the source for his unease becomes more apparent. What kind of box office mojo is this, he thinks, as he turns and looks back at the theater as a whole. And the effect is now completely disturbing. Clothes. There are clothes everywhere. In and around each seat. In fact, there are clothes throughout the theater. All empty. All placed in ways that suggest humans once wore them.

The entire theater is empty. However, all the clothes remain. As Stellen looks on and tries to imagine what happened, he is struck with a vision. The event is so real, so intense, that Stellen falls to his knees. One moment later Stellen passes out. Then, the movie projector in the viewing booth, begins to play.

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