Bugs are not meat and how to tell the difference
It has been on the world news that animal farting has become a major problem. Once upon a time it was more of a concern with the exhaust on vehicles. Now with the rise of cleaner and greener vehicles, the exhaust is no longer considered a big problem.
Apparently animal farting had been an underlying issue that was only uncovered due to the rise in cleaner emission vehicles. Furthermore, now that the vehicles are not farting, we can see that the animals are farting. This is apparently causing some warming, somewhere.
With this in mind, there was some talk going on about eating bugs as a replacement to meat. It seems whoever discovered the animals are farting, also provided a solution to the gas problem. Eat bugs instead. Perhaps this should be given a little more thought.
Not Meat
Are we really ready to cancel an entire industry of bug killers? Furthermore, what about all the supporting industries for the bug killers? I’m sure the makers of Raid would want to weigh in on bug food.
Then there is the obvious entertainment value of bugs. Eating a disgusting, crawling live bug for money became a huge sensation a while back. Why would we want to normalize that? There should be a cash prize for eating a bowl of Madagascar hissing cockroaches! The mere thought is disgusting.
However, fart warming is getting worse. So they say. Fortunately there can be more than one way to solve problems. A good start is avoiding bugs for dinner. Bugs have insect attributes and they are quick. It takes a while to catch enough of them for a good meal.
Today bologna is the carnivore craving. By carefully observing the packaging it is easy to see the ingredients. Notice the first one listed is beef. Not bug. Furthermore, preparation is fast and easy. It can be eaten straight from the packaging or prepared by heating.

The Difference
Today, searing it over heat in a pan on the stove top, makes for a great sandwich. Especially when it is nice and charred. Then, placing it on bread with mustard and various fixings sounds delicious. Also tempting and tasty, and nothing like a tarantula!
Now that is a relief! Bugs are not meat and how to tell the difference is the meal doesn’t try to run away! Not only can this be alarming but also disturbing! We will be sticking to the bologna sandwiches today. Grilled marinated chicken breast is for dinner, but that’s another article. Comment and share recipes, or bologna sandwich ideas, thanks for reading today!
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