Bugs are not Meat – Part Two

Bugs are not Meat - Part Two

Bugs are not Meat – Part Two

Bugs are not meat. In fact, putting them on the chopping block, and trimming them, yields very little grill material. For some reason the trimmings slide right through the spaces on the grill rack. And that’s just one drawback. There are many other drawbacks, and in some cases stingers are involved. It’s just not an appetizing visual. However, due to some interesting feedback on part one of this theme, it became apparent that more info might help.

With this in mind, let’s get right to those stingers. Ever been stung by a bee? How about a wasp? There is a profound difference. However, most chickens don’t sting. They might peck. Or even flap their wings. But they don’t sting. Bees and wasps do. Additionally there are many more bugs that sting. Also they don’t need wings to do the stinging.

Bugs are not Meat – Part Two

Furthermore, some of these bugs jump before they sting. Knocking them out so they can be prepared for dinner, isn’t easy at all. Especially with all the jumping and stinging.

Bugs are not Meat - Part Two

In the picture above, the supposed dinner, is just hanging around. It’s a little tough to see it as a nourishing meal. Crunchy probably. But nourishing? It just doesn’t seem like it. While it is true, there’s no accounting for taste, it’s probably a good idea to skip the taste test on this one.

Similarly the bugs that don’t sting, certainly do crawl. Some are very fast. As was noted in part one, this makes it difficult to get enough of them for the grill. However, there are some industrious entities that are figuring out ways to change this. Why, is a mystery. It is likely related to farting animals. Apparently some entities don’t like farting. This is unusual, because farting has been going on for thousands of years.

Part Two

This is strange, or sinister, and possibly both. Once upon a time, bug eating was difficult to imagine. In fact, it was so counter intuitive in some places, that it became a source of entertainment. There were rewards of large cash prizes. Especially when chewing a gross bug, and ingesting it.

It’s not looking appetizing. In fact, the bug in the picture above, doesn’t even look crunchy. However, it is likely there are no farts coming from the bug. Maybe this is what makes it a potential replacement for meat. Or maybe this is like comparing apples to oranges. Actually it is. Additionally, an apple would be much better than the non farting bug.

Most everyone has their own ideas, and preferences, about wholesome food choices. Additionally not everyone will agree on those preferences. However, one thing is certain, bugs are not meat.

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