Butterbeans and Special Secrets

Butterbeans and Special Secrets

Butterbeans and Special Secrets

They are leaving the old place now. She is glad to be moving away from the place. It is old. Very old. She knows Alex is okay. They have been through many adventures together. Additionally she feels glad that their new friends are okay too. Especially the young one. He had been very scared in the old tavern. Butterbeans knew why. The thing that lives there, is very bad.

She turns to look out the window as they leave the old town. She can see many of the forms watching them leave. Furthermore, she understands that Alex, and their new friends, cannot see them. There are more than a few. In fact, they were all over the old town. Some were more real than others. At least that is how Butterbeans thinks of them.

Butterbeans and Special Secrets

When she had been a pup she was happy that Alex was her friend. His heart was sad, but happy at the same time. She could see it and sense it as well. She wanted to ease the sad, and there were many times she tried. Once they had visited a place close to a river. It was exciting. The place had many strange and wild smells. There were paths all around. So many, she could barely decide which to explore first.

Alex was her friend and she trusted him. Therefore, when he led them down one of the paths, she followed without any concern. Soon she was leading the way, as the scent of things wild, began to entice her curiosity. It didn’t take long before they came to a place alongside the river. It was a place built by humans. Not by nature.

Butterbeans and Special Secrets

There were several others there. At first Butterbeans wasn’t worried. She knew that Alex was friendly, yet able to defend them. So she tried to find the scent of the ones standing there watching them. It was confusing, because they were there, but had no scent. Additionally it became apparent that Alex could not see them. He kept walking through them and standing where they were standing. She barked loudly to alert him. However, it didn’t help. She learned that day that she could see them, but Alex could not.

The Bar K and Emily Kate

Butterbeans watches the old ghost town fall behind them. She is remembering learning that Alex couldn’t see everything she could see. Similarly she learned that many humans could not see the things she could see. She learned this from the many times she tried to alert them. Even warn them. However it was always the same. Sometimes it was even scary. Because some things were not friendly. Some things were dangerous.

They are in Emily Kate’s truck, and moving quickly now. There is a lot of excited talking. Butterbeans listens and can’t help feeling the excitement emanating from everyone in the truck. Furthermore, she has noticed something about Alex. He is smiling. A lot. Especially when he is looking at, or talking to, Emily Kate.

For the first time in a long time Butterbeans feels a twinge of hope for Alex. He rarely smiled so big, or laughed so easily. She is certain there is more happening here, than meets the eye. She listens intently, and can’t help her reaction when Alex turns to her with a question.

“What say pup? Want to go to the Bar K ranch and have dinner with Emily Kate and Jared?”

Butterbeans chuffs a happy bark, and wags her tail happily. She was very happy to leave the old ghost town. And even happier to go to the Bar K ranch, with Emily Kate and Jared.

Butterbeans and Special Secrets

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Butterbeans and Special Secrets

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