Butterbeans and tattered wings

Butterbeans and tattered wings

Butterbeans and tattered wings

Eons of time have passed since the arrival in this place. It is home. Once, there was another home. It was in a galaxy far removed from this one. It was lost. The remnants that survived the destruction, found this world, in the infancy of its formation. Furthermore, they were not the only inhabitants.

Time passed and civilizations grew from the original inhabitants. We watched, and chose to remain unobserved and unknown. There were many similarities between this place and the home we had once known. The most alarming of which was the propensity for self destruction.

We went underground, where we could live in peace and without the ravages of conflict. For it was observed that the inhabitants of this world were born in conflict. Therefore they knew conflict as a way of existence. Until recently we were unknown and preferred the same. If not for this furry ambassador of good faith, we would already be in jeopardy.

Butterbeans and tattered wings

Alex feels a slight sense of disorientation. He listens intently trying to fathom the amount of time that has passed. Although they are just now discovering this strange place, these beings have been here for thousands of years. Alex is feeling a sense of wonder as he listens. However, he can’t help but feel uneasy and concerned as well.

Butterbeans and tattered wings

It was the special agent that had just taken over, that is on Alex’s mind. Furthermore, he knows the Sergeant and Lieutenant will follow orders. Alex and Butterbeans were not strict military. They were a special unit, contracted when needed. Therefore they did not have to follow the same rules as the Sergeant or Lieutenant.

Alex looks at Butterbeans. She is able to see with more than her eyes, and therefore he trusts her instincts. He followed her through the strange glass portal to this place. Furthermore, he knows they are here because things have reached a boiling point. And it could end badly. Unless action was taken to prevent it.

He decides to ask a question, hoping he has the right grasp of the gravity of this situation. He looks at Butterbeans again, she gives a brief wag of the tail, and he winks at her, and asks his question.

“How can we help?”

The Plan

The pause is a brief one and then the voice seems to come from everywhere again. Alex listens intently. As he does, he feels his concern growing. He believes he is beginning to understand why the special agent is taking charge. He looks at Butterbeans again, feeling impressed with his friend’s ability to see the heart of the matter.

Butterbeans stands and moves over to sit beside Alex. The being of light has offered a plan. Alex is confident in its integrity. Absentmindedly, he pats Butterbeans on the head, and listens intently. They only had one chance, and they needed all the help they could get.

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