Butterbeans and the leap of faith
When Butterbeans had been a pup there were only a few things that she worried about. One was her Ma. The other was her people Alex. All of her first memories are of these two, her warm, her happy.
Once when she had been a pup, she had been separated from Alex. It was her worst memory. Although it hadn’t been for more than two days, it had still felt too long for Butterbeans. In fact, she had been so sad she didn’t want to eat. Even when offered her favorite food.
Butterbeans and the leap of faith
Furthermore, she had worried about Alex non-stop. In her early days as a pup, she hadn’t known her friend as well as she does now. Butterbeans knows Alex would never leave her. Indeed, most days they are inseparable. Additionally, they are a team.
She clearly remembers the day Alex returned all that time ago. She had felt overjoyed. Indeed she had been beside herself with relief and happiness. Therefore, she felt very upset that something, the old thing, had taken hold of her friend. Indeed, her Alex. She immediately moves to protect him.
Alex tries to kick free of the strange and powerful thing that has taken hold of him. However, the grip is as though iron. Additionally, it is pulling him toward the open cavern below, which no longer has a visible end. Indeed, the thing is intent on bringing everything down, along with Alex.
Butterbeans lunges and bites down on the thing wrapping itself around Alex’s leg. The effect is immediate. The thing flings Alex toward the wall of Level 113. Alex hits the wall hard, and is freed from the grip of the strange creature. He rolls away from the edge of the level and immediately looks for Butterbeans.
Now there is a new sound from behind Alex as more members of the team have arrived to help at last. The Sergeant runs quickly to the edge of the perforated level and gazes into the depths below. Alex is looking for Butterbeans but cannot see her. He scrambles toward the Sergeant. He has to get to Butterbeans. The Sergeant turns and looks at Alex, he speaks three words that chill Alex’s soul to the core. “It took her”
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