Butterbeans further below

Butterbeans further below

Butterbeans further below

They had landed soft. She had known its nest was down here. It is one reason she couldn’t let her person fall alone. They are in trouble and must leave, now! Butterbeans scrambles to her paws. She reaches him quickly and he is uninjured (he had fallen on one of its offspring, they are not hatched, but soon..)

Butterbeans barks loudly to him. They must move away from here. There is nothing more dangerous, than a parent protecting its young. She whines and paces while Alex steadies himself. There’s a way out, however it is dangerous.

Butterbeans further below

It is back and away from here. Back through where the creature moved through the solid earth. Back through its tunnel. A tunnel with the fresh scent of the old and odd thing. The bad thing. Butterbeans shivers from fear involuntarily, and yips at Alex to hurry!

She’s relieved when he is finally on the way toward her. Walking in the nest isn’t easy. Furthermore, the eggs are very large. Almost twice the size of Butterbeans. She shivers involuntarily again, and trots further up the strange tunnel.

Alex has gotten his breath back from his landing. All things considered, it could have been worse. And he is grateful for Butterbeans. He is profoundly moved by her friendship. Therefore it’s obvious she is impatient, because she is very agitated.

She yips and barks at him again. This time he clearly understands. She wants to leave, and quickly. He looks around, taking in the strange and macabre shapes around him. Touching one reveals a soft and slimy texture. Butterbeans barks loudly again and trots up the tunnel leading away. There must be imminent danger.

Further Below

Alex stumbles out of the nest area and joins her in the tunnel leading away. There is no way to know how far down they had fallen. Furthermore, level 113 was unlikely to be connected this far below ground. Alex feels real concern as they move further into the darkness of the tunnel.

Butterbeans further below

Fortunately Alex had fallen with most of his gear. He has several glow lights left, and cracks one now. He shakes it vigorously and watches the neon green light glow up the tunnel around them. It is a large tunnel. Easily between fifteen and twenty feet high. It was the same distance wide as tall and the effect was

Butterbeans is getting information from scents, and looking further down the tunnel. It is coming.She growls low and quiet in the back of her throat. They should run. Or hide. She isn’t sure which would be better at this point. However, she knows they are not safe here.

Alex is watching Butterbeans closely. He senses her worry, and realizes they must flee. Quickly. Much further up the tunnel, something large and sinister moves. Butterbeans growls louder. They were too late.

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