Category: Health and Wellness

  • Choosing awareness with health and wellness

    Choosing awareness with health and wellness

    Choosing awareness with health and wellness A path in the woods isn’t always easy to see. In fact there are times when it is well hidden. However, it’s still there. When it’s not so easy to see, it’s called a trail. Once upon a time, learning to spot a trail, was a valued skill. Still…

  • The health and wellness industry with a list

    The health and wellness industry with a list

    The health and wellness industry with a list Health and wellness is a worthy goal. It is a goal that requires persistence and much follow through. Additionally, it isn’t the same journey for everyone. However, the pursuit of an improved state of being, is common to all those who seek it. With this in mind,…

  • Health and wellness abbreviated

    Health and wellness abbreviated

    Health and wellness abbreviated After dinner comes desert. Also after lunch comes desert. But that’s not the normal tradition. Speaking of traditions, there are more than a few of those being upended these days. Such as breakfast. There is now the thought that the cookies and cream breakfast cereal, isn’t the best day starter after…

  • A Strange Taste in Food

    A Strange Taste in Food

    A Strange Taste in Food Food. What a wonderful topic. So many ways a good discussion on food, can go! Hot, cold, crunchy or chewy, it just brims over with possibilities. There are also side topics that tie in well with food, such as food cravings. Now things are starting to heat up, and it…

  • The Waterwheel and the Wagon

    The Waterwheel and the Wagon

    The Waterwheel and the Wagon A long time ago things were different. Depending on when it happened, some things might have been very different. When compared to our current times. Modern times have brought changes to everyday life. Through technology and advances in technology, things can change quickly. Once upon a time, there were no…

  • At the heart of the little things

    At the heart of the little things

    At the heart of the little things Dave slams the door shut and stomps across the room. His mood has not improved, and Conner is sure it won’t anytime soon. He watches his friend sit down and open his laptop. Conner knows what is going to happen and he wishes Dave did too. But Dave…

  • The winter weather imagination games

    The winter weather  imagination games

    The winter weather imagination games It looks like winter is about to get real. I just read the report for our area. Schools are already closing and children everywhere are cheering the added time off! I know at least one particular seven year old that is very excited about the snow day imagination vacation. The…