Chicken tails and why we can’t eat them

Chicken tails and why we can't eat them

Chicken tails and why we can’t eat them

It tastes like chicken! It’s good, and why can’t we eat the tail? It was an important dinner discussion. About shrimp. However, we hadn’t given it a name yet. Dinner had just arrived and we were digging in. The chicken was there beside the shrimp, so it was all chicken at first glance.

With this in mind, it was at the end of a long day. It was also a bring it home dinner. Additionally, we were watching new videos on a favorite streaming service. Therefore, it was an active dinner.

Chicken Tails and why we can’t eat them

The box of food was on the table. Also, we were eating pieces of chicken before the lid was open all the way. Then the little one pulled a shrimp out of the box. Also he hadn’t seen shrimp before. Much less eaten one.

Chicken tails and why we can't eat them

This shrimp was about to get eaten without a second thought. It was examined briefly, but hunger had overruled curiosity, and the shrimp was about to be toast. Therefore a general warning about the tail was important. Shrimp tails are not appetizing.

After the first big bite of shrimp it was a surprise to hear the approval sound so quickly! “Mmmmm.”

This exclamation of delight was genuine and unscripted. Furthermore, there was an exclamation of, “good chicken”! This means there is a new addition to the overall acceptable menu. However, it wasn’t chicken.

It tasted like chicken though. Furthermore, it was the same as an unusual chicken nugget. With a tail. After eating a couple of shrimp, and carefully avoiding the tail. The little one had decided shrimp chicken was acceptable. Also, delicious.

We can’t eat them

In fact, the shrimp chicken was so good, it went down first. Within minutes, an entire platter of shrimp was gone. Only the real chicken remained. From there it was short work. The whole plate was clear in no time.

So we discussed the chicken tails. It wasn’t a big stretch of the imagination to think of them as little sea chickens. With tails. Furthermore, the curiosity did carry forward. For example, since it was accepted that sea chickens did exist, why didn’t normal chicken nuggets, have tails?

It was a sticking point to think one nugget has a tail, and the other doesn’t. The lack of symmetry was puzzling. However it was soon forgotten as jump scare videos replaced all thoughts of chicken tails. And why we can’t eat them. Thanks for reading today.

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