City Squirrels are the Savvy Ones

City Squirrels are the Saavy Ones

City Squirrels are the Savvy Ones

The squirrel was chilling in the street. No hurry, no worry, just chilling and enjoying a day in the city. No concern that traffic had no concern, and things were just fine as far as the city squirrel was concerned. A couple of quick jumps over to the sidewalk, and squirrel saunter away. Probably to go play the lotto, at the liquor store. That squirrel had some game.

Three blocks away and another city squirrel is chilling. However, this one isn’t in the street. This one has decided to chill by the trash can on the corner. There is no trash can raiding here. Just contemplation of squirrel things. No concern for anything other than squirrel things.

City Squirrels

After driving from the city into the outlying suburbs, a curious thing began happening. There were less and less squirrels. In fact, there wasn’t one visible, for what seemed like miles.

The further away from the city I was, the less squirrel life I was seeing. There was the occasional squirrel darter. Fast as lightning, crossing the road. Other than that, there were no savvy squirrel shenanigans. Nor any squirrel high fives!

Squirells are masters at adaptation. They are quick and purposeful when they travel, and they appear to learn very quickly. They also got mad style!

That’s something city squirrels have in abundance, style! Living in the city can be a great way to observe all the style of a city squirrel! Maybe style is too broad of a description. City squirrels are the savvy ones, therefore, street smarts, might be a better descriptor! They have serious street smarts.

City Squirrels are the Savvy Ones
Photo by Mihai Bența on

In the more wooded areas of the land, squirrels are in a more natural habitat. Furthermore, they are more to their essence, in their natural habitat. Therefore they act more like squirrels, and also keep a respectably safe distance away from any possible human contact.

The Savvy Ones

City squirrels appear to be working on better ways of human communication. Between familiarizing themselves with the streets and various public amenities, and camping on the porch and watching some Netflix through the window, they are becoming more involved in day to day life!

Go squirrels! Perhaps in the daily squirrel news they are touting their continued explorations into human civilization. With reports on squirrel traffic and the latest high grass trends. Also which locations are best for the lotto. Squirrels are on the move, and have no time to waste!

This article is an observation, and is the opinion of the author. No squirrels were present during the writing of this post. No squirrels offered any compensation for their representation in this post. There has been some chatter about squirrel crosswalks, it will likely be a process, but the city squirrels are the savvy ones!

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