Clandestine – The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart

Clandestine - The retrieval of Jupiter's heart

Clandestine – The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart

It was ten years later, When Benjamin met Jupiter Davis again. As it turns out it was a happy accident. And in the midst of another close call. However, this time, they recognized one another immediately. Even though ten years and another war had passed, their first encounter was still fresh in their memory.

With this in mind, the day was warm, and Benjamin was on his way to the bus stop. He was carefully making his way home, after leaving work earlier than usual. It would be dark soon, and he wanted to be home, doing evening chores, shortly after nightfall. If possible. Furthermore, he was still adapting to his new job in the city.

Clandestine – The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart

As he arrives at the bus stop, there are only two others waiting. Feeling relieved that he is on time, Benjamin takes a seat at the end of the bench. He is sitting next to a pleasant older lady, who waits with her friend. This is Benjamin’s third week in the city. Today, as he has every day since his first, he is thinking about his Ma and Pa. He hopes they are well. Perhaps soon he would visit them.

He is in his thoughts and planning, when he notices movement from the corner of his eye. Therefore, he turns his head and feels stunned to see Jupiter Davis striding toward him and the bus stop. Next, three things happen in quick succession. First, he makes eye contact with Jupiter. Similarly, her eyes meet his, and there is instant recognition. Then, her smile bedazzles him, profoundly.

Clandestine - The retrieval of Jupiter's heart

Immediately after they make eye contact, there is a loud bang. Benjamin flinches from the sound. Furthermore, he sees Jupiter Davis jump and look around. Benjamin looks in the direction she is now looking, and as he does, he leaps up from the bench, and runs quickly toward Jupiter. The bus is a short distance from her, and has blown a tire. Worse, the driver has lost control and is heading straight toward Jupiter Davis.


Then Benjamin is there, and pulls Jupiter to safety. It is a near thing as the bus ramps up onto the sidewalk. A second later the two ladies on the bench scramble away to safety, as the bus rams into the bus stop kiosk. With this obstacle under the remaining wheels, the bus comes to a stop. Everyone stares in shock except for Benjamin. He is holding Jupiter closely, having prevented any harm coming to her. Furthermore, he feels captivated by her lovely eyes, and the fact she is literally in his arms. Therefore, he blushes a furious red, as he releases her.

Jupiter Davis smiles beautifully at Benjamin.

“Fancy meeting you here Ben Thomas, although I’m ever so glad I did! You have saved me again, and now I am further in your debt!” She gives Benjamin that radiant smile again. Likewise, he feels his face flush red. Then she gives him another light hug. Now Benjamin is in danger of blushing to the point of no return, but he manages a response.

“I’m happy to oblige Ma’am. Glad I was in the right place at the right time. Are you injured?”

“I am uninjured. Thanks to you kind sir. And please call me Jupiter. What brings you into the city today Ben? Or are you my guardian angel?” She smiles again and holds his gaze as she waits for his response. He feels mesmerized and with some effort, manages an answer. And then, they are talking as though they are old friends. Furthermore, they decide to share company over dinner that very evening. It is the beginning.

A list and a plat

Emma is reading through the papers Eric has shared with her. She feels stunned and therefore rereads each paragraph. They are both sitting at the small table in the apartment above the garage. As she reads she feels astounded that there could be this much history involving Eric’s former house. She looks up from reading the papers to see what he is thinking.

Although Eric knew already, he is waiting for Emma to read it for herself. For his part, he felt astounded, when he realized the implications of this situation. Indeed, he still is trying to understand, and he is very eager to ask Emma all his questions. However, he must allow her to read things for herself. He fears she wouldn’t believe him if he just told her that Benjamin Thomas, the previous owner of this property, was her great grandfather.

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