Coffee a Discussion On Love

Coffee a discussion on love

Coffee a Discussion On Love

Welcome back!

Coffee. I couldn’t wait to start the convo on this delightful beverage. That’s putting it mildly, I think, as I sip my fresh, hot cup of mocha.

Coffee a Discussion On Love
Good way to start the day!

Never mind that it’s after midnight and rise and shine is at dawn. That just means the next cup of inspiration is right around the corner! Indeed, that fresh aroma is on the way.

So is it normal to have all this affection for a cup of mocha goodness? Furthermore, is it cool to refuse a day start without that cup of ‘it’s gonna be ok‘? I’ve heard some good things about having a healthy coffee habit, therefore checking to see how healthy my habit is, felt like a good idea.

No plans to change the habit, can’t risk backing off the current morning dosage! The day start is set up for a certain coffee intensity.

Coffee a discusion on love

It was interesting all the information that is available about coffee consumption, and the positive health benefits from consistent use. That’s good news because there was consistent use this morning.

I found many great articles with Google search about coffee habits, and the ones about espresso were eye openers for me! There are many different articles about the sweet joy that is a cup of hot coffee.

It’s safe to say that coffee is a benefit to my day. That’s actually very safe to say, and all the good news about coffee really has gotten this day off to a great start! Furthermore, an evening boost is definitely in the plans. Most likely a home brew, light on the sugar.

Coffee a Discussion On Love

Best Start

The love part of this article is this: I love coffee, how about you? There are times I believe the home brew is just as good as the professional brew. However, when it is hot and fresh, it’s very enjoyable. Thanks for reading today.

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