From the point of the temperance effect

From the point of the temperance effect

From the point of the temperance effect

Jeremy stares at the ceiling, and remembers. At first, there was pain. Then, as the images cascaded through his mind, the pain abated. Part of him knows these are not his memories. At least, not all of them. There are labs, and experiments. He shudders involuntarily at the strange memories.

The restraint on his hand is looser now. He stares at the ceiling, however, and continues his trip down memory lane. He sees laboratories, and strange books. There are formulas, and math equations. All of which are a mystery to him. His hand is free now.

From the point of the temperance effect

There is also a series of images that flash through his mind. And a spectre of extreme proportions, filters through his thoughts. Not only is he stunned but also he is scared. He twists his arm completely free of the restraint. He blinks several times and works at clearing his mind.

What was happening to him? Furthermore, why? He has these thoughts in order, and back to back. This is a marvelous step forward. He reaches across himself, with the hand that is free and unlatches his other hand. Then he sits up.

From the point of the temperance effect

He is relieved to see his clothes on the table nearby. Additionally, he is certain there must be cameras in use, somehow. Therefore, he decides to make haste and he grabs his clothes, and dresses quickly. He doesn’t know where he is, only that he is up and ready to move. At long last, he has a plan. And it all started with Dr. Hinkleman.

Time out of mind

Mary thanks the officer, and signs the last of the paperwork. The wrecker has the car, and now it is on its way to the shop. Likewise, Mary is on her way. Thanks to her assistant, this was only a delay. They are on the way back to the office and Mary’s mind is working overtime.

Who had taken Jeremy at the river? Furthermore, why had Jeremy been there in the first place. After all this time there were so many unanswered questions. Who had Jeremy been with in the van? Was Jeremy a prisoner? Nothing made any sense. Even though they had found Jeremy at last, they were still a long way from returning him home.

With this in mind, Mary is looking forward to unraveling this puzzle, and finally bringing Jeremy home. As they near the office Mary’s attention is pulled back into the moment as an emergency responding vehicle roars past. As they draw near the office, it becomes clear the emergency lights are for the office. It is fully engulfed in flames. Now Mary is sure they are on the right path.

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