Ghosted showdown with Butterbeans

Ghosted showdown with Butterbeans

Ghosted showdown with Butterbeans

“Howdy Partner.”

Jared freezes, and stares. Chills race up his spine. What he is seeing isn’t really there, he thinks. However, something is there, and it just spoke to him. As Jared stares at the stranger, he notices the silhouette has a large brim hat, and a side iron. There appear to be boots, but that isn’t something he sees. He hears the spurs, as the silhouette begins walking toward him.

Jared’s pulse skyrockets, and he wants to turn and run from the old tavern. However, he is rooted to the spot. He wills his feet to run, as the figure moves toward him. Yet he is frozen. All he can do is stare at the approaching form. The sound of the spurs striking the old wood floor sends even more chills up his spine. His mind is racing and he wonders what he will do when the ghost reaches him.

Ghosted Showdown with Butterbeans

Alex and Butterbeans climb into Emily Kate’s truck. Alex waits for Butterbeans to jump in, then he climbs up into the cab. They are only a few minutes away from the old ghost town.

“Fancy meeting y’all here!” Emily Kate smiles at Alex as he jumps into the cab of the truck. Alex smiles back and Butterbeans plants herself in the rear seat. She quips a light bark to Emily Kate and wags her tail. They set off for the old ghost town, and Jared.

Ghosted showdown with Butterbeans

Ghost town

“So Alex how did you meet my little brother Jared?” Emily navigates the truck around a cactus as she speaks. The truck bounces along, and Butterbeans chuffs, another light bark from the back seat. As they make their way back into the box canyon, Alex details how they discovered Jared trapped in the underground area of the old saloon.

Furthermore, as Alex speaks, Emily Kate’s expression becomes one of bewilderment. When he finishes, she asks him about the underground area beneath the saloon.

Ghosted Showdown with Butterbeans

“Was it a cellar? I’ve investigated more than a few of these old ghost towns with Jared. None of them have had a tunnel system beneath them before.” She guides the truck between two large boulders, and then eases it back onto the dirt road. Finally, they have arrived on the outskirts of the old ghost town.

Emily Kate parks the truck next to the collapsed saloon. She and Alex hop out and Butterbeans follows. As soon as Butterbeans paws touch the ground she takes off running, further into the town. She has a mission. Furthermore,Jared is in trouble. As she rounds the corner of the old stables, she sees the tavern just ahead.


Immediately she knows Jared is there. And he is very scared. Butterbeans increases her speed. Now she can see Jared standing in the tavern. She can smell his fear. Furthermore, he is not alone. He is being menaced. As she reaches the old tavern, and Jared, her hair stands on end. The dark form advancing on Jared has no scent. Then Jared realizes she is here. And a look of relief spreads itself across his face.

His look of relief is short lived however. For the dark form has not ceased moving toward them. And it has drawn its side iron.

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Ghosted showdown with Butterbeans

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