Health and wellness abbreviated

Health and wellness abbreviated

Health and wellness abbreviated

After dinner comes desert. Also after lunch comes desert. But that’s not the normal tradition. Speaking of traditions, there are more than a few of those being upended these days. Such as breakfast. There is now the thought that the cookies and cream breakfast cereal, isn’t the best day starter after all.

In some ways that is a positive thing. It’s definitely worth considering if the person is in their thirties. Seems like age is a contributing factor to health and wellness. One can impact the other, and vice versa. However, there are many good examples of the benefits of maintaining health and wellness.

The examples are as easy to find as a few good action hero movies. Even if they are fictitious they still have actors and actresses that maintain top physical form. Especially if they do their own stunts. However, most people are not action heroes. Furthermore, they are not professional athletes, either.

Health and Wellness abbreviated

Just like dessert after lunch, it isn’t traditional. With this in mind, health and wellness are more important now, than ever. Especially, considering the changing times. And the times are changing. Once upon a time there was less to worry about, in terms of just about everything. However, for the purpose of this article, it’s about health and wellness.

One of the better proactive health decisions is just that, being proactive. For example, everyone knows that cigarette smoking is bad for your health. Being proactive in this example is as easy as not smoking. As a former smoker it is important to note, that it is never too late to quit. The benefits of renewed taste buds are definitely worth the effort.

Health and wellness

Aside from being a shameless attempt at suggesting smoking cessation, this article is about the idea of health and wellness. Particularly as it applies to the new world order. Oh snap, did I just write that out loud? Times are changing and so is the idea of health and wellness. Likewise on how that is achieved, in this modern world.

The basics. It’s always good to get back to these. Dirt, seeds and sunlight. Basic building blocks for health and wellness. Additionally, that is one of the goals of this site. To be a reliable resource for basic health and wellness. Furthermore it is a pursuit, and a daily one at that.

Around here

Around here, there are many medical conditions that must be monitored daily. The brave souls that bear their conditions, and strive to achieve good health day after day, are daily troopers. It is through these trials and struggles that we learn. Sharing what is learned and beneficial, is one purpose of this website. And to give Butterbeans her chance as well.

As mentioned before, there are many medical conditions being lived with around here. One of those conditions is blindness. Therefore, it was an exciting event to watch as Neuralink announced its first human trials. We’re keeping a close eye on that one. Humor is another benefit to health and wellness. Around here, it’s priceless. More on this topic in upcoming articles. Thanks for reading today.

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