Help from behind the dumpster

Help from behind the dumpster

Help from behind the dumpster

Garret wasn’t afraid he would see it again. In fact, he expected to see it again. He watches as the sweeper truck continues sweeping the lot. Then he watches as it turns and leaves. That should be the last disturbance for the evening. He turns back to the others and tunes back into the conversation.

They still had a few hours before it would be time to get all the gifts to the shelter. Bethany had been telling Garret and Len about the increase in occupants this year. Indeed, it had been a difficult year. Mostly because the shelter was over capacity, from the many who had lost everything. Garret thinks back to how this year began for him, compared to where he is now. He feels grateful to be here this evening.

As he listens, Garret finishes wrapping the gift he has been working on. They managed to achieve a lot of gifts this year. In fact, it was almost more than they could wrap and have ready in time for Christmas morning. Now, it is Len who is voicing his concerns. Naturally Garret understands what Len is worried about.

Help From Behind the Dumpster

If there were more people at the shelter, than the gifts they had, it would still be okay. At least there would be something, and some of the things they had managed to accumulate this year, were very nice. They had been fortunate to find a retailer who had abandoned freight they could search through and collect from.

With this in mind, they had taken donations for the other gifts, and even the paper they were using, to wrap the gifts. Again, Garret feels amazed by the many gifts they have ready for the little ones. He knows of those in the shelter who were in rough shape. Therefore, he knows every little bit of hope that can be given, is monumental.

Help from behind the dumpster

As the evening wears on, each one of them takes a turn sleeping for an hour. During which the other two continue to wrap the gifts. Garret dreams of his family as he does most nights. He awakens feeling sleepy but grateful for an hour of uninterrupted sleep.


As the dawn begins to slowly creep its way into morning, they finish wrapping the last of the gifts. Len had found a wooden pallet that was suitable to hold the stack of wrapped Christmas presents. Likewise they had a cart to help move the whole thing. This was part of the plan.

Much of their preparation for this included making good use of resources. Since it was only Garret, Len and Bethany they had decided together that their gifts would be anonymous. Furthermore, they would deliver the pallet of gifts to the front door of the shelter, on Christmas morning. They had made a sign, or giant Christmas card as Bethany had put it, for the occupants of the shelter.

As the dawn brightens, Garret thinks of his family again. He always misses them. Especially at this time of the year. Furthermore, he knows that Len and Bethany have families they miss as well. They haven’t talked much, but sometimes they do. He helps Len secure the last of the presents to the pallet and they get set to go.


Bethany has taken down their temporary roof structure for the night. Then she and Len pack their belongings while Garret gets the pallet and the cart ready. After the trek to the shelter this Christmas morning, they won’t be back on this side of town for a while. In fact, they have no place to return to, as they emerge from behind the dumpster.

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Help from behind the dumpster

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