How to tell when a wormhole is really a portal


How to tell when a wormhole is really a portal

It was late afternoon and thunderstorms were rolling across the area. The storms were widespread. They were also entrenched, so it was going to be a rain day. This meant lots of video games, and some serious play time. Additionally there would be lots of time for creating new ideas, and stories.

This is further enhanced by the ability to create other things too. For example, custom video games. There are more than a couple of apps that make this possible. Furthermore, they can be very constructive for the little ones. Especially the ones that enjoy making their own things.

With this in mind, there is also an entire library of various game making apps. Not only do they challenge the imagination, but also they are rife with options. For example, choosing the size shape and texture of obstacles. Or power ups. Or special features, like wormholes and portals.

How to tell when a wormhole is really a portal

We discovered this topic after some creative level building on an app. It actually began as an attempt to create a space bridge. Similarly, that was the question from the little one. What is a space bridge? This seemed like an easy one. In fact, I have access to a large memory index, of Star Trek shows. Both movie and TV shows. Therefore, my immediate thought about a space bridge, was the wormhole angle.


The little one, fascinated and curious, wanted to know more about the wormhole. What was it? What did it look like? Also, what did it do? All these were immediate requests, so we took them one by one. Yes, the wormhole was like a bridge to go many steps, with just one step. Additionally, the wormhole made it possible to travel far away, very fast.

Now, there was much interest in the wormhole. It was possible to see the wheels turning in the little one’s mind. He was creating the space bridge, or wormhole in his imagination. And the next question was, what does it look like? That was an easy one. It is round, and shiny. And it has some kind of light in it. The light could be any color. The little one is now watching me with a doubtful look. And after a moment, calmly says, “That’s a portal. Do you mean a portal?”

When Time Matters

There are a lot of descriptions of both these phenomena on Google. Furthermore, there are subtle differences between portals and wormholes. The most noticeable one, is about time. And that is where we started. The wormhole is all about saving time. It’s a space bridge that saves time. Additionally, it worked mainly in space.

Not like the portal, that could be just about anywhere. Additionally the portal can link more than just space and time. Portals can connect all sorts of things. For example, dimensions. Portals are also connectors of different realities. Like connecting the gummy worm reality to this one. (All currency in the gummy worm reality, is gummy worms) The little one is a tycoon in that reality.

That reality view is truth too. You can make this stuff up. Nevertheless, we had a much better understanding of space bridges. Furthermore, we had more information on how to tell when a worm hole is really a portal. Thanks for reading today.

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