Jasper’s shortcut to nowhere

Jasper's shortcut to nowhere

Jasper’s shortcut to nowhere

They are pulling into the rest area at speed. He had never touched the brakes once. They had come upon a sea of flashing emergency lights. There is nowhere for Jasper to go. The entire area is filled with police and emergency personnel.

Furthermore they all are watching Jasper and his truck. They have guns drawn and aimed at Jasper. He puts his foot on the brakes. The gunman shoots out Jasper’s window. The retort from the gun is loud. In the tight confines of the cab, it feels like Jasper’s ears are blown out.

“Keep your foot on that gas Jasper! We are going through them.” then, “I mean it Jasper, this is for all the marbles.” The gunman prods Jasper with the gun. “Keep it steady.”

Jasper’s Shortcut

Jasper floors the accelerator pedal. It’s over for him and he has resigned himself to this fate. Furthermore, if he does survive the hail of bullets ahead, the collision will finish the job. Consequently, he no longer cares. The truck bears down on the doom ahead, and he awaits the worst.

Jasper's shortcut to nowhere

As they near the wall of state police and local sheriffs, Jasper can hear the sound of a bullhorn. Tinny and distant he isn’t aware at first, they are addressing him. Not only are they warning him to stop, but also to empty the cab of weapons. Somehow, he is certain that is unlikely.

He thinks back to how this day started. He realizes he didn’t put fresh water in the coffee maker at home. Then remembers where he is, as the police open fire.

To Nowhere

The human mind is remarkable. Not only is it equipped with survival skills but also an ability to slow all things insane, to a crawl. Jasper hears the guns fire. Furthermore he sees the smoke issue from the barrels.

He even sees the panicked looks and quick dashes, away, from the impending collision. Then he sees the grayness of nothing. Of void. Then, he sees an open road form in front of the truck. It forms from void and he hears an audible pop and loses control of the vehicle. Then all hell breaks loose.

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