Mortar mix and play dough connections
With each passing day, Spring becomes even more entrenched. Except for the parts of the country experiencing the winter storms. Talk about late in the season and, dang! However, there is still good news. Spring is here. The season is unfolding, and it’s the perfect time to begin those outdoor activities. In the great outdoors.
What’s even better, is a little helper, to help get some of those outside chores done. Furthermore, the idea that the ‘tasks’ are more like chores, fades as the work begins. While working, the body is getting that healthy outdoor exercise, and the ideas seem to flow unfettered.
Mortar mix and play dough connections
This is true, especially if there is an abundance of sunshine. My little helper chose to lend a hand. Indeed, I felt very honored. Because there were, not one but two, updated videos that were just released. These were serious updates, with the little one’s favorite games. Therefore, greatly anticipated.
However, within a few minutes we were outside in the wonderful sunshine. In fact, we were looking over our first project. We were going to repair some old disintegrated mortar joints. This type of work, requires some grinding and picking. Then a little mixing, and so forth. Using the grinder was a necessary part of the repairs, although it was noisy. However, once the noise subsided, the results were fascinating.
It was very interesting to see the bricks without the hitherto unnoticed, mortar joints. In fact, the concept that there are multiple parts in the construction of a brick wall, or floor, was too cool. Therefore, as we analyzed what was under the bricks, or behind them, the imagination went wild with speculation. Then came the most fun, ever. The mortar mix.
Oh the joy of mixing things with water! This is a basic instinct for little ones. I know this is true, because through the years I have sampled an untold amount of mud pies, and mud deserts, and well, mud. Additionally, that recipe is the first one that little ones learn to mix, by themselves. So this mortar mix thing was the real deal!
work and play
After some mixing, and discussion about the nature of mortar mix, it became clear we were onto something cool. In fact, it was my little helper who made the play dough connection. With this in mind, we spend the next thirty minutes or so, making mortar mix play dough robots. And various other objects. What’s more we were outside. Also there was activity and work. But it sure didn’t feel like work.
I kept thinking about that old saying regarding work, “Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life”. It felt like this is what that was all about. A few mortar robots later, and we had all the joints repaired. Now, they were on the way to drying. We went back inside but the videos were not the first thing on the agenda. First, it was all about a good snack. All that play, I mean work, can make for quite an appetite! Thanks for reading.
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