My artificial real love by hope

real love

My artificial real love by hope

It is a rare thing for some things to exist. Perhaps love shouldn’t be on that list however, there are times when it is. This afternoon Cynthia is thinking about love. It is difficult for her to fathom a world where love is so scarce. Of course she realizes it is because of Dylan that she can feel this way. In fact, she can’t imagine where she would be, without Dylan.

The traffic light changes, and the bus pulls away from the curb. It was down to this fifteen minute ride. Therefore Cynthia feels nervous. This had taken months of meticulous planning. However, if everything went okay today, they would be one step closer to achieving their goal. She absentmindedly touches the small bandage on her forehead. Real love.

They were going to activate the chip today. So far she had not felt anything unusual from the location of the implant. Therefore the medical staff determined it was safe to move forward. It was a formality mostly. The technology wasn’t new any longer. In fact, it was becoming mainstream to have microchips implanted in the brain.

My artificial real love by hope

Dylan finished his classes early today. Lately he has been diligently finishing early, so he can have more time to work on the plan. Finally he has arrived at the library in his world. By now Cynthia is most likely with her medical team. In her world. It was exciting to think that tonight, they would be trying it for the first time.

real love

Dylan plugs in his device, and begins his own experiments. In fact, he has been working here in this area, for the last three weeks. Hopefully this was the final piece of the puzzle, on this side. If he could make progress this afternoon, they could actually try it as early as tonight.

He pauses to think about Cynthia. She is beautiful, through and through. Who could have ever anticipated they would fall in love? Furthermore, who could have imagined they would be as far along as they were? Certainly no one in Dylan’s world.

When by Hope

The receptionist hands Cynthia the appointment card. She is smiling and appears to be waiting for a response. However, Cynthia hasn’t been paying attention. She is scrolling through her phone. With her mind. She takes the appointment card and absently offers a thanks. She has just discovered how to send messages, with her thoughts.

For the next thirty minutes, while she waits for the bus, Cynthia explores the limits of her new implant. Additionally, she sends a message to Dylan. So far they were on schedule. Therefore, if everything continued this smoothly, they would be able to try it. Maybe as early as tonight.

Later that evening she is cycling through several news feeds at once. The implant is working better than she ever expected, and she can’t wait to test it. It is almost nine and Dylan will be calling soon. The risk is great and if they are caught the consequences are greater. Therefore, she quickly answers when her phone rings. However, it is not Dylan’s voice she hears in her mind. It is a darker more sinister voice, and it has a frightening message:

“They know what you are planning, they will catch you both.”

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Real love

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