Old Doc and the sure fire destiny

Old Doc and the sure fire destiny

By the late afternoon he still hadn’t reached the old Ellis place. In fact he figured it would be an hour, or two, before he arrived. He hopes the kitchen and all Mrs. Ellis’s staff is still busy tending to the day to day workings of the ranch. After all they were the biggest cattle ranch in the state. Therefore, old doc expected to encounter many folk.

As the carriage bounces along the old dirt road, he wonders if it really could be what he fears. Is it possible the cowpokes brought something back from their last cattle drive? He scowls, feeling slightly bemused with himself. Of course it was possible. Anything was possible. He would just have to see what he found. And then do what he must.

His only contact at the ranch, would be Mrs. Ellis. She managed the main house, and the two guest houses. There were also the bunkhouses for the cowpokes. However, it would be Mrs. Ellis that knew every nuance of the ranch and its operations. As well as its inhabitants. He looks at the horizon with its setting sun. Shouldn’t be much longer now.

Old Doc and the Sure Fire Destiny

Just after dark old doc passes the first of the fences that mark the boundary of the Ellis ranch. It takes him almost thirty minutes more to reach the main house. Along the way he sees nothing out of the ordinary. However, he sees plenty that is peculiar.

For starters there is no one along the road, or in any of the fields along the way. Likewise the barns and out buildings are empty. Of course the entire company had just returned from a long cattle drive out east. In the distance, old doc can see the first of the bunkhouses. These have no lanterns and are dark. And they have no activity either.

sure fire destiny

Still, however, the doc isn’t concerned. Well, he is worried. However, the entire company just returned from several weeks on the trail. Naturally, he expected that some would turn in early. Likewise, the others are in the town. Hadn’t he just tended to one earlier that morning? Maybe he was making a mountain out of a molehill. He feels his apprehension ease ever so slightly.

The Molehill

As he passes the last of the bunkhouses, he finally spots the main house. Several of its large picture windows, are lit with warm candle light. Off beside it, and to the right, the first of the two guest houses, has several windows lit up as well. This was a little more like what he expected. Furthermore he could see from here that the main house was well lit. Therefore the Lady Ellis must be here.

With this in mind, old doc guides his horse to the main house. He wants to see Mrs. Ellis first thing. That’s the quickest way to assess what they may or may not be dealing with. Also if this is a part of some, sure fire destiny. Indeed, just because he wasn’t seeing any sick cowpokes, didn’t mean there weren’t any. He looks out at the night sky. Going to be a full moon tonight.

Sure Fire Destiny

As he pulls the carriage up to the main house he notices the silence. It is so deep it is as though the night is holding its breath. However, it doesn’t last long. The front door of the home slams open with a loud bang. Miss Janet comes rushing from the house. She is one of the extra cooks for the ranch. As she reaches old Doc, she grabs his hand, and in a breathless voice, insists and pleads for him to follow her. It is about Mrs. Ellis. Apparently she has fallen extremely ill.

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Old Doc and the sure fire destiny

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