On the surface tension and changes not seen

On the surface

On the surface tension and changes not seen

It was almost more than Barry could comprehend. In fact, he had done it twice now, just to prove to himself that he could actually do it. The second time had scared the hell out of him. It sure as shit wasn’t as easy as it looked in the comic books and cartoons. Furthermore, he almost sprained his ankle. Apparently the landings were also not as easy as they were in the comics.

With this in mind, he is imagining how he will approach the area he has selected. The area is the best he can think of for a safe landing attempt. Barry takes a few more deep breaths and steadies his nerves. To his knowledge no one has ever done this before. At least not in this way.

Barry looks up and tries to see as far as possible. What if he encounters a plane? He hasn’t tried maneuvering or slowing down. Therefore, he has no idea if he can even do such things. Again this was nothing like the comics or movies. Because none of that shit was ever real. This is. His mind supplies the reasoning. However, the logic is almost irrefutable. He shouldn’t be able to fly either. But he could. And now, for the third time, he does.

On the Surface Tension

Angel is tired this evening, but not from her experiments. The experiments are working just fine. In fact, she has learned more than she could have imagined. Her tiredness comes from too little sleep. Furthermore, she doesn’t think it will be remedied any time soon. Even now she was late getting ready for work.

Angel sets the car back down on all four of its wheels. She does so gently. It isn’t near heavy, and she makes a mental note to get the oil leak checked. Smiling slightly she is still feeling overwhelmed. She wouldn’t even know about the oil leak if she hadn’t lifted the car to see it. Chills race up her spine as she thinks about her experiments. It was crazy to think it, but is it possible she has super strength?

On the surface

With this in mind, she takes hold of the front bumper of the car, once again. Gently, and easily, she lifts the entire vehicle off the ground. Then she does it one handed. There is hardly any difference. Apparently her strength is beyond the weight of this vehicle. She feels her heart beating excitedly as she gently sets the car back down. Then she sees the man falling from the sky.

Changes Not Seen

The man doesn’t fall from the sky so much as he runs from the sky. This small nuance isn’t lost on Angel, as she watches the man from a distance. She blinks rapidly to be certain she is seeing this. The man hits the ground running, then trips, and tumbles dramatically. Angel can hear the curse words from here. Hence the drama.

Despite her reservations, she rushes across the street to where the man landed. It is late evening, and the night is moonless, therefore the darkness is deep. Angel cannot see where the man ended up. He had been moving pretty fast, after all. On the surface, she feels nervous and somewhat worried for the stranger. Yet, she can’t unsee the vision of him running from out the sky.

***Barry lays motionless in the grass. He can’t believe his own carelessness. Someone saw him. And now they were looking for him. He tries to lay extremely still, hoping to be overlooked in the darkness. What could he say if he is discovered? What explanation could possibly suffice? Now he holds his breath as the person searching for him gets closer. A moment later, he is found. (to be continued)

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On the surface tension and changes not seen

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