One of these is just like the other – Butterbeans

One of these

One of these is just like the other – Butterbeans

It’s not only similar it is also identical. Alex looks at the second door a little closer. It is so similar there is no way to tell them apart. They have been here for several minutes while Alex and Emily Kate examine the two doors. Butterbeans sits quietly with Jared. He is absently patting her head, and watching Alex and Emily Kate.

It is the middle of the afternoon, and they have already had quite an adventure. It all began at the old saloon. When the saloon collapsed, it was the entire structure. However, access to the underground cellar was still possible. After they arrived at the old saloon, Emily Kate shared what they found out from the historian earlier that morning. It seemed their quest was going to involve an old gold mine.

Once they made it to the cellar, accessing the hidden tunnel in the back of the underground room was easy. From there they followed the tunnel until it began to descend. A short while later they found a pair of mysterious doors. Furthermore, the doors are on the map. Finding the doors excited everyone. However, finding them, also served to make all this feel more real. Therefore, everyone was quiet as Alex worked to decipher the cryptic words on the doors.

One of these is just like the other – Butterbeans

It is strange. She watches Alex move through the ghost-like entity, as he examines the doors. Only Butterbeans knows the ghost is with them. In fact, it is stalking them, as they search the underground tunnel. It was waiting at the saloon when they arrived. Butterbeans is not surprised. Therefore, she decides to watch and observe. The entity wants to trick them. And Butterbeans will not be fooled.

As she watches Alex examine the doors, she also sees the ghost moving to the same door as Alex does. She is aware they must choose a door to carry on. However, she is certain the ghost is trying to stop them now. Furthermore, each time Alex tries to examine the markings on a door, the ghost moves into the way. Now Butterbeans finally understands. The ghost is covering the markings, so Alex and Emily cannot see them.

One of these

Butterbeans moves from beside Jared and pads over to the first door. She has also observed that the ghost is uncomfortable with her presence. As she nears the door, she can see the dark entity shrink away, ever so slightly. Therefore she doubles down, and barks one time, loudly.

The Way Forward

Alex is rather confused. He looks at Emily Kate and notices she is having the same difficulty. Although it is a little dark down here in the underground tunnel, they have the light from their flashlights. However, the doors appear to have no markings when he examines them. Unless he is paying attention to his peripheral vision. When he does, he sees markings on the doors. It is as though looking directly at the doors, isn’t possible. He thinks to himself, one of these is not the door they want.

Then Butterbeans barks loudly. In the small space of the tunnel, the sound echoes loudly. Everyone jumps from being startled. Then, as Alex looks back at the doors, there are markings and symbols upon them. He looks at Emily Kate and asks,

“Are you seeing this?” Her response is somewhat quiet, but she confirms what he is seeing. Now, according to their map, they must select the door on the right. It has the symbol of a lightning bolt. Alex touches the handle on the door.

At the same time, the other door opens. Butterbeans barks ferociously, and bolts through the opening door. Alex yells for her to wait. But it is too late. She is through the door and gone within a second. The next thing they hear is the sound of Butterbeans crying out. Something has happened.

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One of these is just like the other – Butterbeans

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