Opening a Smartie the Easy Way

Opening a Smartie the Easy Way

It was just another trip to the convenience store for routine supplies. On the list of supplies, gas was at the top, favorite drinks next, and then a candy order from the little one.

Candy orders are special, and especially when the store is known for a particular treat. Candy is cool. So many different kinds to choose from, and each more tempting than the last.

The order was for Smarties and there’s no substitute for a Smartie!

Opening a Smartie the Easy Way
Wrapped Candy

Wrapped candy is special because each piece is it’s own little morsel of delight! The rest are safe in their little plastic jackets.

Opening a wrapped candy is easy for a grown up. I was reminded of this by said little one, and in no uncertain terms. This was serious, candy was trapped and there seemed to be no way to get it out.

We took a sec, and regrouped to study the problem.

It turns out we were not pulling from both ends. (opening a smartie the easy way) Once this was discovered, there were smarties everywhere! And the best part about Smarties, all the smiles!

All the numbers on yesterdays post were the Fibonacci Sequence.

It’s an interesting sequence and is naturally occurring. To read more on the sequence click here.

No math today (whew) math is cool but it’s like ice cream, too much too fast and it’s brain freeze.

Just a question for thought and reflection. What is the most romantic part of the ocean?

We’re bringing the gallery back as soon as possible. Earlier technical difficulties required an additional cup of coffee and are on the mend. Most likely soon after this post, thank you for stopping by today! Comment section will be available soon!

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