Out of time – The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart

Out of time

Out of time – The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart

They have only just said goodbye, when Jupiter loses consciousness. Benjamin was watching her closely, and caught her before she reached the ground. This had been hardest on Jupiter. Benjamin thought saying goodbye to James Abner was going to be the breaking point. But Jupiter had managed to hold herself together, until her son boarded the plane and they were out of time. Then she fainted.

They began preparing for this day shortly after the summer break started. Well, frankly, it was little James Abner that began the preparation. The exciting and life changing adventure ahead could feel intimidating. Furthermore, he wasn’t so little anymore. Having reached his thirteenth birthday the previous year, he was anything but little. Now, he is a teen on his way to boarding school, and a room at the dorm.

Mary Elizabeth helps Benjamin with Jupiter. They sit her in an airport chair and Ben holds her upright while she regains her composure. She is crying again and Benjamin wishes he could ease her pain. He rocks her gently back and forth as they watch the plane taxi down the runway. Now Mary Elizabeth is crying too. James Abner is her twin brother after all. They were closer than most siblings their age. Now they were going to be further apart too.

Out Of Time

James Abner was very independent and much like his dad. Early on he knew what he wanted to do with his life. At a very young age, James took an interest in the military, and all things related. By the time he was ready for high school, the only school James Abner had interest in, was the military academy. Although Jupiter had been against it from the start, eventually, she began to come around.

Out of time

Mary Elizabeth was very nearly the polar opposite of James Abner. Therefore she couldn’t understand his interest in the military. She wanted to attend high school in the same town where she lived. The arts were her interest. Particularly music. She had the ability to play any music she heard. Just by hearing it, she could play it on the piano. Mary Elizabeth was extremely talented and had dreams of performing one day.

Benjamin helps Jupiter to her feet, and they make their way outside. It is a crisp and cool early September day. As they make their way to the car, the plane soars overhead. Jupiter watches it, and a fresh spout of tears fall from the corners of her eyes. They would see James Abner again at fall break. However, that might as well be years away, as far as Jupiter was concerned.

The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart

Agent Fred Jones watches Benjamin load his family in the station wagon. They are one less than when they arrived. The detective is aware of the son’s new school. He is also aware that the wife was against the idea. Additionally the daughter will be schooling in town. The department knew a lot about Benjamin and his family. What they didn’t know about was Benjamin’s business.

Furthermore, they have been investigating him for years, and still they cannot find anything on him. They know there is something. However, they are unable to find the loose thread. Agent Jones has been assigned to Benjamin for the past year. He knows almost everything there is to know about Benjamin. Except how he managed to accumulate such a vast fortune, in such a short amount of time.

With this in mind, Agent Fred Jones knew it was only a matter of time before he would find his loose thread. Then he would tug until all of Benjamin’s secrets came unraveled.

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Out of time

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