Planetary heating and all its great uses

Planetary heating

Planetary heating and all its great uses

The thermometer reads 30 degrees. It’s down two degrees in the last hour. Furthermore, it’s only four in the afternoon. Which means it will be colder after nightfall. Of course, it is winter time. Which is a slight relief. Earlier this year (during one of the many heat waves) it was easy to believe winter was a thing of the past. In fact, it’s a surprise there’s enough arctic left in the Arctic, for this little blast of cold ass air.

With this in mind, it’s winter time, and apparently it still works. In fact, the winter making machine feels like it’s in overdrive at the moment. I’m probably crazy for thinking this, but a little planetary heating would be helpful right now. I wonder why it’s not working.

I’m just curious. It’s a question that can appear to question the hundreds of years of empirical, weather related, evidence. And this, on a planet that’s at least millions of years old. If that sounds like a wide difference, it is. But only because it’s cold. Not because of the disparity in information and common sense.

Planetary Heating

The cows are farting. And the pipes are freezing. It’s a funny little world we live in. However, no one can predict the weather. Except for those who can. Of course this can spiral into a web of conspiracy craziness that does nothing to warm things up. It’s still colder than damnit. We need a little less doomspeak and a little more heat.

Planetary heating

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out…actually, a rocket scientist could probably do something about all this Arctic cold. Nevertheless, it doesn’t take much to see that winter still exists, therefore planetary heating should also. Exist. And flourish. And now the thermometer reads 28 degrees.

Perhaps spring will come early. That could be one seriously cool attribute of planetary heating. However, what if there is a late snowfall this year? Snow in April. From what I’ve heard, there’s not much snow at the equator. That must be where all the planetary heating is.

Planetary Heating and All Its Great Uses

One thing that has become painfully obvious is the thermometer now reads 26 degrees. That’s definitely not beach weather. Similarly, weather reports around this country speak about record breaking snow, or record breaking Arctic temperatures. Maybe we could just be bad and forego any more carbon offset hocus pocus. Let’s give planetary heating a chance.

Especially now that the thermometer is at 24 degrees. This dang sure ain’t beach weather. It’s barely even weather. Indeed, it’s actually closer to how cold it is in the vacuum of space. Furthermore, it’s not looking like this planetary heating thing is going to catch on. There’s a suspicious lack of evidence. Both empirical and barbecued. Especially here at the 22 degree mark. Thanks for reading today.

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