Real time anomaly of the pay phone – coin return

Real time anomaly

Real time anomaly of the pay phone – coin return

The first thing anyone notices about a pay phone is the coin return. It is the first place anyone will stick a finger when they see one. This ritual is all about the coin. The next thing anyone sees is the handset, and whether or not it is connected. Sometimes this is done by lifting the earpiece and placing it on the ear. The idea is to listen for a dial tone.

Back in the day, when pay phones were must have accessories to everyday life, a working pay phone was common. It was also useful. Likewise those who remember the days of the pay phone were likely using one from time to time. In fact, the pay phone was also the top end tech of the day. Back in those days.

The pay phone was the mobile life line. There were no smart phones, or flip phones. Furthermore, almost every phone, attached to a wall. It was either mounted there, or connected by a cord. If it was tremendously important to reach someone right away, it was always maybe, baby. They had to be home. And within earshot of the phone. But no matter what, the coin return was always the first place anyone would stick a finger.

Real Time Anomaly of the Pay Phone – Coin Return

Bruce is watching the interior of the phone booth grow brighter and brighter. His nerves are raw. And he feels scared as hell. Who was in the car, attacking him so relentlessly? He jams his shaking hand into his pocket looking for a dime. His parents were not answering. He hoped to have time to call his uncle Scott.

Real time anomaly

Digging deep into his pocket yields no coin. Now the growing light fills the booth. Likewise Bruce can hear the motor of the car. It is bearing down on the phone booth. Are they going to crash the whole booth? Bruce’s thoughts are now chaotic as he tries to think what to do. Then his eye catches a glimpse of the coin return door, and he jams his finger inside it, fishing for any loose change.

Immediately Bruce feels a pull from within his stomach. He blinks, and collides with a person standing almost where he is standing. The effect is so disorienting Bruce falls backwards and lands squarely on his ass. He looks around quickly trying to locate the speeding vehicle. All is dark. And the area looks deserted. Except for a young man who sits on the ground in front of Bruce. He appears to be as confused as Bruce is.

Coin Return

Max is feeling really disoriented now. The old phone rang. He stuck his finger in the coin return. Then the ancient phone rang. He heard it. Moreover, it scared the shit out of him. But it definitely rang. Then, from out of nowhere, this young guy runs right into him. A real time anomaly. Therefore, Max is actually feeling freaked out.

He looks at the young guy sitting on the ground next to the old pay phone. There was something unusual about his look. Additionally, he appeared to be agitated, or scared. Max takes all this in within seconds. However, before he can say a word, or ask the young man’s name, a vehicle appears a slight distance away. The motor revs loudly, and the tires squeal, as the vehicle rockets toward them.

Max only has a second or two. Therefore he decides to help. He reaches his hand out to the young guy sitting on the ground. The guy looks at Max, then at the speeding car racing straight for them. Bruce grabs the helping hand. Then he gets up and they both run. They run like hell.

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Real time anomaly

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