Side effect of the temperance effect

Side effect of the temperance effect

Side effect of the temperance effect

Every subject of the pincer is remedied. Each time the event is pushed, the subject loses more original memory. After extensive use, they are empty. Unfortunately, no subject ever makes it beyond that point. The wear on the mind, not to mention the brain, is extreme. Long ago they discovered the pincer, by accident.

With this in mind, the reason it had taken years to reach this point, was the limited supply. Dr. Hinkleman knows the details of the program well. They had gone through almost every aspect of it years ago. However, much of their research had been theoretical. This new approach, whoever was orchestrating it, was cutting edge.

Side effect of the temperance effect

The doctor examines the brain on the diagnostic table. However, the work of the pincer is evident. What eludes him, is how the pincer became externalized. In the years long ago, such a concept was well beyond anything they could do. In theory they had speculated. Theory was where they had left it.

Now all these years later, it is free and loose in the world. Dr. Hinkleman shudders, though he is anything but cold. Furthermore, based on initial reports, it is able to propagate itself rapidly. Therefore they were already behind. And the pincer had a head start.

Side effect

Jeremy is sitting on a bench in the park. He doesn’t know which park. Furthermore, he knows it isn’t his city. He also knows that he has lost much of his life, somehow. However, he can’t remember why he knows this. Furthermore, he has a suitcase attached to his wrist with handcuffs. He is wearing clothes that are way too big and he is about to have a panic attack.

Side effect of the temperance effect

He feels a phone buzzing in his pocket and resists pulling it free. It is persistent so he gets up and begins walking. The air is cold and stings his eyes as he walks. The phone is buzzing without ceasing now. Inexplicably, he feels a sense of dread and revulsion at the ringing phone.

Additionally, he has an instinctive feeling that answering this call, will be the last call he ever answers. Therefore, he walks faster, and feels his panic attack growing. His heart rate is through the roof now, as he frantically tries to get away from the ringing phone. As he rounds the next corner he notices he is walking in close proximity to a large river.

Time for a change

The revulsion he feels at the buzzing phone in his pocket overwhelms him at last. He stops along the river’s edge, then quickly pulls the phone from his pocket, and flings it into the river. He feels a sense of relief almost immediately. There is still the matter of the suitcase.

Almost as though the thought creates the event, the suitcase comes alive with sound. here are at least twenty different ringing sounds of telephones. Furthermore, the case is vibrating as though it is full of phones. Something in Jeremy bottoms out in this thought. He very nearly blacks out as his knees buckle.

He falls but not hard. Indeed, he feels himself lowered to the ground. As he begins to pass out he sees bolt cutters snap the chain on the suitcase. Then he rests for a while.

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