Tag: exercise

  • The Bar K ranch with Butterbeans

    The Bar K ranch with  Butterbeans

    The Bar K ranch with Butterbeans The butterflies are in the middle of the room. Furthermore, it was unexpected to see them there. Butterbeans gives the slightest yip as they enter the cabin. Alex stares at the butterfly display curiously. Furthermore, he is surprised at the reaction he sees in Butterbeans. Though they have just…

  • Health and wellness abbreviated

    Health and wellness abbreviated

    Health and wellness abbreviated After dinner comes desert. Also after lunch comes desert. But that’s not the normal tradition. Speaking of traditions, there are more than a few of those being upended these days. Such as breakfast. There is now the thought that the cookies and cream breakfast cereal, isn’t the best day starter after…

  • The temperance effect – Recovery

    The temperance effect – Recovery

    The temperance effect – Recovery Jeremy carefully examines the room around him. The door is on the opposite wall. He gets up and crosses the room. There were additional locks on the door, however they were not engaged. He has the feeling, again, that there are cameras. Yet he is alone. All of these thoughts…

  • On the town with Butterflies and Butterbeans

    On the town with Butterflies and Butterbeans

    On the town with Butterflies and Butterbeans They are almost to the cabin when Alex stops at the old General store. The place smells of antique wood and bubblegum as they enter. Butterbeans takes the lead and eagerly samples all the strange scents left behind by other visitors. There are only a few. As they…

  • From the point of the temperance effect

    From the point of the temperance effect

    From the point of the temperance effect Jeremy stares at the ceiling, and remembers. At first, there was pain. Then, as the images cascaded through his mind, the pain abated. Part of him knows these are not his memories. At least, not all of them. There are labs, and experiments. He shudders involuntarily at the…

  • A basic hamburger patty carnivore dinner.

    A basic hamburger patty carnivore dinner.

    A basic hamburger patty carnivore dinner. The carnivore diet is a great choice. There are many options and all of them are satisfying and tasty. When the carnivore gets set on a particular craving it can last for more than a few meals. This is very true with bacon. There is no carnivore craving quite…

  • The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart part two

    The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart part two

    The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart part two Eric offers Emma another tissue. She is slightly more composed now. Furthermore they are sitting in the front room of his home. After finding Emma so upset at the front door, Eric had hastily invited her in. Then he retrieved a box of tissues. From there he waited…