The allure of the open door

The allure

The allure of the open door

Steven closes the door to the spare room, quietly. He locks the deadbolt and double checks to make sure. The appointment today wouldn’t take long. It was a necessary thing, or he would have cancelled it. He isn’t feeling it now.

Furthermore, he is feeling frustrated to have to be away from it. He came closer last night than ever before. He was intent on this, and felt the frustration from being delayed. Locking the front door of his house, he turns to leave.

As he is unlocking the car door, he can’t remember if he locked the front door of the house. Can’t be too careful, so he double checks, then returns to the car and leaves. With any luck the appointment would go quickly. Then he could get the errands for the day finished, and get back. It will be tonight. He can feel it.

The allure of the open door.

He rushes through the appointment. Barely stopping to set another. However, the errands are the main focus. Furthermore, he needs a few items for tonight. His pulse quickens as he thinks about it. Would he have the nerve? What if the worst happens? However, did he even know what the worst might be?

The drive home is a blur. In fact it feels like things speed up as he nears his home. Before he knows it the spare room is unlocked and he is standing before it again. Mesmerized and stunned into silence as the very first time he had seen it. Of course it was impossible. Absolutely, he knew he must be insane.

The allure

It was just here one morning. This spare room only held a few boxes of Steven’s past. Otherwise, it was an empty room. Until the door had appeared.

Steven thinks of it as a door. It is indeed an opening. In the middle of the room. Furthermore, it is only open on one side. This is why he knows he must be crazy. On this side is the other place. If he looks around the side of the door, there is no door. Additionally if he walks fully around to where the other side should be, there isn’t another side.

The Allure

No other side, no shimmering, no shadows. Just the view of the spare room. He learned all of this two weeks ago, when the door first appeared. Additionally the idea of alerting anyone, was not even close to mind. For one thing, he wasn’t even sure it was actually here. Furthermore, why here?

The other side’s view is limited, but startling, as though peering through a…well, a door. However, there is countryside in the distance. A bluish green horizon and a field with an apple laying in it. His apple. The one he tossed through a week ago. It is still where it landed.

He opens the tiny cage from the pet store, and removes the small mouse. Without hesitating he tosses the mouse through the doorway. His scientific experiment is underway. He watches the mouse land in the dirt of the field, on the other side of the door. It appears stunned at first. Then scampers off, quickly.

Open Door

He is astounded and wonders where the mouse will go. Furthermore he tries to see where the mouse went. He dares not break the plane of the door. But he can try to stretch and look to the right.

The hand that grabs him, isn’t remotely human. He is yanked through the door without a sound. An apple lies in an undisturbed field on the other side of the door. A mouse races past, most likely running from something.

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The allure of the open door

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