The carnivore chili blast

The carnivore chili blast

The carnivore chili blast

Chili is a classic and delicious food. In fact, one bowl of chili can be as nutritious as a full on meal. However, for a carnivore, chili is a chance to beef things up. So to speak. Chili is also an easy food to customize and modify. These traits and more, should give chili the status of a super food.

With this in mind, a regular can of already prepared chili, is the base for this quick custom recipe. Then there is the carnivore’s favorite dish. The meat. This can be anything that can fit in a chili bowl. However for this quick dish, hamburger meat is the meat of choice.

The carnivore chili blast

We discovered this version of the quick bowl of chili when we opened a can of chili and it was more soup than chili. The little one and I were surprised and realized right away there were missing ingredients. For example, the meat.

The carnivore chili blast

However, it looked like there might be an easy fix with just a couple of extra ingredients. The idea was to beef up the chili soup. The ingredients we added were very basic because this was to be a one dish meal. A personal chili lunch. Suitable for a small fry, so there isn’t any jalapeno heat in this recipe. Our ingredient list was simple:

  • 1 can of chili with beans (any brand)
  • 8 ounces of hamburger meat
  • 1/4 of a can of diced tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese

First brown the ground beef and drain it well. Then in a medium sized bowl mix the prepared chili from the can with the ground beef. Then add the diced tomatoes and mix well. At this point the microwave or a stove top pan, can be used to add the heat.

Add a bit of the shredded cheese to the top of the chili before serving. However, the cheese is optional. The appeal of this quick, beefing up, of an already prepared dish is its ease and speed of preparation. Within a few minutes a dish that eats like a meal can be created and enjoyed.


The simple mix of ingredients made two bowls of chili, respectively. One bowl went down with saltine crackers, and the other bowl preferred the goldfish crackers. Regardless of the choice of garnish, the carnivore chili blast was a hit. The beefed up version of the basic classic, made a quick and filling lunch.

Furthermore, it is easy to customize and modify a basic chili recipe. Adding onions and hot peppers, for additional flavor, is one possible style. Doubling the meat, for added meat flavor, is the carnivore style! Thanks for reading!

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