The great bandit of Caper Town – Butterbeans

The great bandit

The great bandit of Caper Town – Butterbeans

Caper Town started as a general store. It sat one mile from the rail line, and survived and grew, despite the isolation. Located near the rough entry of a large box canyon, it was plenty out of the way. There was no plan for the town. It grew from necessity. In the early days of the railroad, the great effort was trying to connect two halves of a nation. In those days there were many isolated towns.

With this in mind, there were several reasons why Caper Town grew. Firstly the town lies at the crux of several major cattle ranches. In the late 1800’s this was an economic boon. However, that was only part of the reason Caper Town grew, when other towns of the day, failed. Caper Town was the closest town to the mines. So, not only did Caper Town cater to the rancher, but also the miner.

The last known resident of Caper Town, left the town, in 1947. Some time after that, the town officially became abandoned. The Bar K ranch was the last ranch still operating in that region. Emily Kate’s grandparents never visited Caper Town. In fact, the last decades of its existence saw the town wind down to the ghost town it eventually became. But there were still all those mines underneath.

The great bandit of Caper Town – Butterbeans

During Caper Towns popular years there was plenty of lawlessness still in the land. Caper Town had its tales and local legends. As well as its local villains. While places like Dodge City or Tombstone commanded much attention, places like Caper Town weren’t on the radar at all. Therefore it was common for bandits and outlaws to escape attention in these places.

The great bandit

Jack Seevors was just such a bandit. Nobody knows when the great bandit came to Caper Town. He was just in the saloon one night. From that moment on Jack was a permanent fixture in Caper Town. Permanent because he died in a gunfight on the main street of the old town. Nobody even knew his name when he showed up in the town. But ten years later, and everyone knew him when he passed.

Perhaps it is better to say everyone knew rumors of his treasure. In fact, Jack didn’t have any friends. Not so much as one. The bartender in the saloon was an acquaintance only. But a familiar one nonetheless. It was said that Jack lived in the mines under the town. Even though he kept a room at the old hotel. No one knew for sure. The only thing anyone knew for sure about Jack Seevors, was where he was buried.


She raced through the door, because she could hear it on the other side. The entity was observing them. Hovering around them. Butterbeans sensed it was trying to mislead them. Or scare them away. Ordinarily she would have waited for Alex. However, she didn’t like this entity at all. She could tell right away it was vengeful and menacing. Therefore, she wanted to protect her friends. That is why she bolted through the door as soon as Alex opened it.

Down a long hallway and through a stone opening, and now she is face to form with the entity. It hovers at the entrance of a mine shaft, preventing access to that tunnel. The entity is a roiling darkness that hovers above the floor of the mine shaft. The darkness churns and begins taking on the shape of a human form. Butterbeans plants her feet, and her fur stands. She is ready. She will not allow this monster to hurt her friends.


The dark energy solidifies even more. The human form is unmistakable now. It is blocking the way forward and appears to be gaining energy. Butterbeans is ready and takes a small step forward. She will not miss her chance. Then the darkness roils even more and now a voice sounds very clearly from within:

“So, come to steal my treasure, have you? No one steals the treasure of Jack Seevors!” The voice grows in volume as the words are spoken. Then with a thundering boom the voice shouts, “NO ONE!” The entity charges Butterbeans. Likewise she bolts forward, teeth bared and barking furiously.

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The great bandit

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