The health and wellness industry with a list

The health and wellness industry with a list

Health and wellness is a worthy goal. It is a goal that requires persistence and much follow through. Additionally, it isn’t the same journey for everyone. However, the pursuit of an improved state of being, is common to all those who seek it.

With this in mind, it’s only natural to consider the health and wellness industry as an industry. Furthermore, there are so many different aspects of this industry, that it can be daunting and overwhelming at times. Particularly for anyone searching for simplicity.

The health and wellness industry

This is a good place for a disclaimer about the qualifications of this article. Firstly, this article is not medical advice in any way. This article is opinion, based on experience. For example, getting an injury. It is possible to detail the journey of the healing process, from an injury. Sharing experiences is one way to learn.

Or perhaps a family member has a chronic condition that requires daily medical attention. This would definitely be a health and wellness industry topic, worthy of discussion. Particularly with regard to rising costs. Among other things. In fact, as I engage in discussions with others who are in the quagmire of the health and wellness industry, it becomes apparent there are universal problems.

However, this isn’t really new. For decades there has been a disconnect between the industry and the customer/patient. Speaking as a customer/patient, it sure has its trials. And not the clinical ones. Indeed, all that industry red tape, just makes everything more sticky. And expensive. And over complicated.

Therefore, anything that can cut to the chase, or save steps, should be all the more sought after. Particularly things like a cure for a terminal condition. Or a medicine or natural remedy, to cure a disease. It doesn’t matter the money, it’s the cure that counts. Things like these shouldn’t be complicated, and should have priority.

Topic of interest

Once again this article is an opinion article, based on both personal, and family experiences. Furthermore, these experiences are ongoing and happen daily. For example Type one diabetes. Insulin dependence is a good example of interaction with the health and wellness industry. However, this is more of a list of topics to help guide the discussion. Thanks for reading today.

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