The investigation on Jenson Creek

The investigation on Jenson Creek

The investigation on Jenson Creek

(The beginning of this story can be found in this link. It is one chapter and gives the backstory for this continuation.)

The day is crisp and cool. The wind is blowing in gusts, and the rain has cleared. Denny pulls the sedan into the small parking lot next to the old church. The coroner has just left. That investigation would take place later today. For now, Denny’s only interest was the scene.

He steps around the police tape and enters the old church on Jenson Creek. The place is eerily familiar. Although, it has been twenty years since the last time he was here, it still looks the same. In fact he can still make out the old stains, ingrained in the old wooden floor. Nothing floating around today, though.

The Investigation on Jenson Creek

He greets the responding officer, and they exchange some details. The officer tells Denny that the call came in just after midnight. Furthermore, the officer didn’t encounter any suspects, after arriving at the scene. Denny takes notes as the forensics team continues the search for clues.

Denny is a detective with the county police. Additionally, the old church on Jenson Creek falls under his jurisdiction. This was also unexpected for him. This area was a part of his past. Until early this morning he hadn’t thought about this place in over twenty years. He stoops to examine the place where the body was found.

The investigation on Jenson Creek

Twenty years ago he stood in almost this exact spot. He still remembers how the terror had him rooted to this spot. There is a slight sense of nerves, as he recollects the adrenaline rush of that day. He had been a kid. His cousins left him here as a joke. Obviously, his mind gave in to his fear.

Jenson Creek

Now, as he examines the wooden floor, there are new stains. However, there is something off with these. He makes a note to study the photos of this area later. For now, he wonders what has happened in this extremely old place. And why.

He stands and slowly walks around the immediate area. There are no other signs of trauma. There doesn’t even appear to be dust on the old floor. Therefore, he is sure this is the result of foul play.

Similarly he had been sure something was off, the moment the call came in, early this morning. The responding officer returns, to give Denny an object. It is a small evidence bag, with several items inside. Denny surveys the items through the bag. Forensics would analyze these further, at the station.

There is a wallet inside the bag and after confirming its presence, Denny questions the officer once more.

Loss for Words

“You’re sure about the ID?” He shakes the small bag, indicating the wallet inside. The officer nods in the affirmative. Then speaks:

“The ID is definitely Denny Williams.” He looks closely at Denny for his reaction. For his part, Denny wasn’t sure what he thought yet. Only that he is no longer the only Denny Williams, that he knows.

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