The Landing Zone and love

The Landing Zone

The Landing Zone and love

There isn’t another soul around, when he arrives. It’s night, and he’s alone. Looking around is strange, he has new eyes now. Then he takes a few steps forward and discovers he has new legs too. What a strange and odd feeling.

A thought of her crosses his mind, and his heart nearly breaks. It seems there is no new heart. The next thing he discovers is that he’s naked. He looks around to really see where he has landed. It’s a forest and it’s close to a really large and bright kingdom. The likes of which he has never seen before.

The Landing Zone

A new discovery leaps into his mind. Now he is extremely hungry. The last time he had eaten anything, was in that strange place, that was once his home. It feels strange, that it is strange for him now. Likewise, all his current surroundings are strange.

The Landing Zone

As he works into his new way of moving, he discovers that he has no way to catch food. Furthermore his tongue is curiously short. This will take some getting used to.

He moves through the forest of trees. Deliberately careful not to trip over his flippers. Looking down, he realizes he has feet now, not flippers. Probably useless for hopping. Definitely useless for swimming through the pond. Additionally the toes are all unconnected, and obviously not engineered for anything other than decoration, and walking.

He walks carefully along the path that leads toward the brightly lit kingdom. Similarly, he wonders what strange food he will love in this world. Then he thinks of her again, and a tear forms in the new eye. He thinks of the food again, and wonders if it will have wings.

Her Landing

She awakens with a start. She had been dreaming, and it had been strange. Looking around the room, she feels confused and disoriented. Furthermore, she knows that she is not in her kingdom, yet she is in her home. What strange thing has happened here, she wonders, as she takes in the things she sees.

Her home is quiet, not like the castle at all. Furthermore, she is aware that she lives here alone. However, she has no memory of how she knows this. She resists the confusion of these thoughts, and decides to start the day, even though it is before dawn. In fact, she feels a pull toward something, though she can’t put her finger on it just yet.

With this in mind, she begins the day. Just three miles away, a flipperless form finds some old clothes on an outdoor laundry line. However, he trips twice getting the pants on, but finally manages. Then he feels uncertain what to do next. But hunger will play a big part, in the next part.

Part One of this story can be found on the anonymous courier website.

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The Landing Zone

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