The Landing Zone part two – Better than flippers

The Landing Zone

The Landing Zone part two – Better than flippers

It takes him a few days before he gets the, no flipper thing. Learning to move one step at a time has been tricky. He still finds himself crouching to hop. However, he feels like he is fitting in. At least he wasn’t trying to catch food with his tongue. He cringes when he thinks back to the day before yesterday. Losing control and chasing after those bugs, had been a bad idea.

He was feeling so hungry that day. If it hadn’t been for the nice lady, at the landing zone, he wouldn’t have had anything to eat. His tongue was far too short, and slippery, to be effective at catching food. Furthermore, it’s possible she named him. It was more like she suggested a name. And he did not disagree. He is now called James.

This is likely because he cannot speak a word. He has tried several times. However, only a croak or a hoarse croaking sound emerges. Additionally, he is still unclear on where the lily pads are. He knows there is a pond nearby. But this kingdom is much larger than the one he left behind. It will take some time to get to the pond.

The Landing Zone

Of course there is the, no flipper, problem. And the loss of her, he thinks. But he could only tackle one problem at a time. For the time being.

The Landing Zone part two

She has all her morning duties finished long before noon. It was even earlier today because she had a much earlier start. Then she spent the rest of the time before noon, examining the contents of her home. Furthermore she knows it is hers. She remembers each item, and its story. However, she also knows this is not her home.

Although it is familiar, deep down she knows her home, is far from here. Yet, how could this be? Why has she been removed from her palace? From her kingdom? Furthermore, she is very curious about how she will return. There is no question that she must return. She paces the floor, and tries to remember everything the Royal Librarian taught her, all those years ago.

Some time later, she is still pacing the floor, with very few answers. Additionally she will be due to perform her work duties soon. In fact, she is waiting for a call. It will be her transportation to her official duties. She is a bit unclear on all the details at the moment, but she knows they call her Mayor.

Better than Flippers

Somehow in this land of strange lights, and even stranger smells, one is supposed to sleep. He can’t understand why it is so difficult in this form. Except for the absence of flippers and a lily pad, and a longer tongue, it was a lot like a vacation. Looking around, he decides his new room will do for now.

The only thing he had with him, when he came to this place, was his collection of toadstools. His friend seemed very interested when she saw the toadstools. Said they were a rare metal. Possibly gold. It didn’t take long for him to have a place to sleep. This very room, in fact.

Now to figure out what happened. Furthermore, he knows he must return home. But how? By what magic did he arrive in the first place? He looks down at his toes. So far he can’t see how they are better than flippers. It’s much faster to hop as well. Will he ever find his way back to the kingdom? Back to her?

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The Landing Zone part two – Better than flippers

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