The landing zone – Special flame

The landing zone

The landing zone – Special flame

He wakes up with a jump. The blanket is soaked from his sweat. Once he realizes where he is, his heartbeat begins to slow. The dream was so real. He sits up and looks out the window on the grey day. There would be rain today. As he watches the trees lean in the wind, the last traces of the dream, play out in his mind. There was fire.

With this in mind, he decides to start the day early. The weather looked unpredictable. His plan is to get a solid jump on things. Besides, he had to try and get his mind on something other than her. Then he remembers more of the dream. In the dream, there was a mission to complete. He was lost in dark woods, and he remembers a struggle with a giant. A real struggle.

Then a familiar flight, as though flailing through open air. He shakes his head, to clear the cobwebs. It was a dream. Just a weird dream. As far as he knew he was welcome in the castle. Furthermore, he remembers the menacing giant castle guard. Especially because he had used his finja skills to survive. Now the day is brightening as the sun begins to peek over the horizon. He moves to the bathroom to dress for the day, and that’s when he discovers it.

The Landing Zone

She spends the day solving problems with the kingdom where she is Mayor. It is very much like being at her Royal palace in the kingdom. Therefore, time passes quickly. Before she realizes it, the sun is sinking towards the horizon. Several issues remain unsolved but they will have to wait until the following day. For now, she must be going. She had a mystery to solve.

The landing zone

Several times throughout the day, she had visions of the previous night’s dream. It was fixed in her mind. Furthermore, there was something green, and a flame, and then a struggle. Followed by a search. She remembers searching through dark and eerie woods. Searching, and looking, for something in particular. The green jumpy thing with a flame. Something to do with a flame. She was so lost in thought over this, that she almost missed the unusual message.

It showed up on her summoning device, and it was intensely intriguing:

You must find the flame before it can dim, therefore you must find him. The flame burns brighter than the sun. And it can only be restored by two, acting as one.

She spent the rest of the day playing it over in her mind. Who was he? How could he possess a flame that was so hot it burned brighter than the sun? All this in her thoughts, while the rest of the day’s work, she got done.

Special Flame

He stands in the bathroom gazing into the mirror. Either he is sleeping and dreaming, or he finally hopped around the bend. Although he is new to this body, he is still certain it didn’t come with a giant chest tattoo. Especially of a burning flame. Furthermore, he is positive this wasn’t here last night before he went to bed.

He stares into the mirror, trying to understand how he received this enormous brand. It is so detailed it almost looks like a real burning flame. Things have begun to get strange, he thinks. Then he dresses for the day and sets out to find her. Lovely her, the dream of all dreams.

The Landing Zone

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The Landing Zone

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