The mermaid and the seahorse

The mermaid and the seahorse

The mermaid and the seahorse

It was a little slow in the currents today. In fact there hadn’t been any sea traffic at all as far as Stanley could see. And he could see pretty far. Also he had been hiding here for most of the day. Therefore he had carefully observed there was no sea traffic in the currents of the reef today.

Furthermore, he was holding on tightly. His place of concealment, was not one of convenience. In fact, if he wasn’t a seahorse, he probably would have lost his grip. However, he was holding tightly and hoping he would be in the right place, at the right time. He would not lose sight of her this time!

The Mermaid and the seahorse

He watches as the current continuously flows by. In this part of the reef the currents are fast moving. Also that is where he saw her the first time! He adjusts himself a little, as he feels his excitement and curiosity begin to percolate again.

She had been swimming quickly, and with such graceful beauty. He had been swimming home, and could hardly believe what he had seen. Stanley had run straight into the reef when he first saw her! He knew she was a Mermaid, but he thought they were just a myth. Furthermore he had been quite unprepared for how beautiful she was.

The mermaid and the seahorse

It had been just a glimpse. Yet he had felt a sense of cascading colors, and all things darling, when he had seen her. Indeed, he didn’t even feel the reef when he smacked into it! He just quickly turned to see the last traces of her gracefulness, as she lightly swam on.

Stanley had gone home in a dazed wonder. How incredible that mermaids were real! He was very intrigued. Then when he returned home he searched on the aqua-net for more facts about mermaids. The following day on his way home, Stanley was nearly knocked over, again. Indeed, also by a fast moving and very lovely mermaid! The very same one!

The mermaid

That was when Stanley had tried to catch up! He was more than intrigued, and wanted to say hello. He swam like a champion seahorse! When she dipped below the reef, he dipped below the reef.

She then went quickly upwards, toward the surface. And then back into the current, once again. Stanley managed to keep up, until the currents. He was tossed around and smacked into the reef again! As he was dislodging himself, from the sandy bottom of the sea, he had watched the mermaid swim away once more. So gracefully.

The Seahorse

Now he waits quietly. He is certain he will be able to keep up when he sees her! In fact, he is ready to do all he can to catch her attention. Even his most special dance! He hopes to say hello if given the chance.

He thinks about how smoothly and gracefully she moved through the Ocean. Therefore he’s not ready to find her floating quietly, right behind him. In fact, it surprises him so much, he knocks himself out running into the reef.

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