The old family pie recipe

The old family pie recipe

It’s an old family pie recipe. It’s an original and everyone in the family loves it. The recipe is from more than a few years ago and was created on the spur of the moment. (As most great things are)

So what is the big deal? It’s a dinner pie and it is a fantastic meal. Not only is it a dinner pie but also the main course of any dinner! Does that mean a recipe is in the future of this article? Yes and no. That is a little unclear and here is why.

Dinner is an important meal on any day. Breakfast gets a lot of attention because, let’s face it, there is a lot of sweetness in breakfast. Pancakes, waffles, and french toast, need syrup. Oatmeal, grits and cream of wheat, all have ways to be made sweeter.

Pie Recipe

There is even apple and maple flavoring in the bacon or the sausage. Therefore, breakfast has a lot going for it. However, it’s dinner that rewards a day well spent. It’s dinner that refreshes and revitalizes. Dinnertime is more than the right time, it’s the refill for the nighttime.

So, about that pie. It’s all about the layers and the more of those the better. However, it’s a limited space deal, so careful selection of ingredients is important. The preparation is simple, and there is no set way to do it. It’s all about what the people like.

The old family pie recipe

This recipe is influenced by Mexican styles, therefore the pie is called Mexican pie. It starts with just a pie crust. From there it is straightforward and is all about the layers. Ingredients and the order of the layers can vary. A possible ingredient list is next and can be adjusted for taste.

  • (1) can refried beans
  • at least 1lb. hamburger meat browned
  • shredded cheese, at least two varieties
  • onions diced, tomatoes diced
  • Jalapenos, mild taco sauce or enchilada sauce
  • Black olives and additional pepper types
  • All ingredients are optional

Old family

That is a positive about Mexican pie, it is easily customized. For example, prebaking the crust until it is crispy is a start. Next, it is layers.

My favorite style is: Firstly, a layer of refried beans, then a layer of cheese. Next, a layer of beef or (substitute protein) another layer of cheese. Then, a light layer of onions, olives and peppers, before another layer of cheese or beef. Repeat until the pie crust is full.

Bake at 375 degrees until everything is melted together. Usually 35 to 45 minutes. All the layers of cheese should be thoroughly melted. Remove from the oven and let cool before slicing. Let cool and enjoy! Tasty. Easy. And eats like a meal.

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